Phoenix Rising Researcher of the Year (2008) Plus More XMRV

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Cort Johnson

Dec 4, 2009, 6:16:06 PM12/4/09
to cort johnson

Welcome to the November edition of Phoenix Rising. 


These are exciting times for chronic fatigue syndrome but not just because of XMRV. The Phoenix Rising Researcher of the Year for 2008 is also making a real difference in this field. Besides a scintillating batch of studies - one of which proposed a potential cure for the illness - this researcher is attempting to transform a scattered, unproductive, mostly isolated research community into an integrated, collaborative lean and mean engine for research. Her impact could be enormous. Personally, after several decades of pitiful progress (notwithstanding XMRV) I fervently hope that she succeeds.  

Who is this person trying to remake our research field? Check out the Phoenix Rising Researcher of the Year 


Meanwhile the XMRV story continues with several additions to the website. Check out several blogs on the exciting federal advisory committee (CFSAC) meeting in late Oct; 

(If you've subscribed to the blog  and wonder why it's stopped for the past three weeks, the blog 'broke' when it was moved to a new server and a new address. I would love to hear from someone with expertise in Wordpress.)

On the Phoenix Rising website be sure to check out the new 'XMRV Buzz Page' which is an attempt to highlight the latest news on the virus. (If you want to catch it as it's actually happening (and talk about it) - check out the XMRV forums on Phoenix Rising). 

We also have -  thanks to Garcia - complete written transcripts of both Dr. Peterson's and Dr. Coffin's presentations at the CFSAC. As nice as the videos are it's much easier to read the transcripts. Dr. Coffin is a top retrovirologist in the country. 

If nothing explodes on the XMRV front next up in quick order will a long-delayed report on Dr. Baraniuk's fascinating exploration of unusual proteins in ME/CFS patients cerebral spinal fluid.
Cort Johnson

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