Listen To M.E. - An Amazing ME/CFS Recovery Story From Phoenix Rising.

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Cort Johnson

Jul 17, 2009, 2:56:36 AM7/17/09
to cort johnson

This is undoubtedly the most unusual issue of Phoenix Rising that has been (or probably ever will be) published. It concerns the near complete recovery of someone I'd known and given up for dead. Besides the fact that his recovery was incredibly dramatic, it's also raises alot of issues;his doctor is unknown, he developed his own it possible that something this effective could appear out of the blue from an unknown doctor working somewhere in America?  

What to make of it? Did this person just happen to be the right patient for this technique? Or does this treatment constitute an enormous advance for ME/CFS patients? And if it does how in the world will it get out to them? Lots of knotty issues indeed.

In any case do read this story and feel free to ask any questions you have and post any comments at the new forum package on Phoenix Rising. If you're interested in trying to do the treatment feel free to e-mail me. 

Enjoy the story. 
Cort Johnson

Phoenix Rising  - An ME/CFS Website at
Proudly affiliated with ME-CFS Community at

Cort Johnson

Phoenix Rising  - An ME/CFS Website at
Proudly affiliated with ME-CFS Community at

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