Phoenix Rising: XMRV at the Tipping Point - A Tale of Two Conferences

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Cort Johnson

Oct 25, 2010, 2:44:49 PM10/25/10
to cort johnson

Alot has happened since the last newsletter; the International XMRV Workshop -attended by none other than the NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins - who, apparently never does that. occurred. The XMRV news there was mixed - despite the presence (finally) of several positive studies, Dr. Coffin called the field a 'zone of chaos". A couple of weeks later Dr. Weiss published a paper suggesting that XMRV was just another of a long string of 'rumor viruses' that first appeared to be there and then they didn't.  The Weiss paper appears to have triggered a public discussion of the dangers of contamination - which ended being highlighted at the CFSAC research day. A couple of days later Dr. Mikovits put in a strong presentation pooh poohing any talk of contamination and quelling many fears.

So where are we now? God knows really but one place we actually are is, despite the chaos, is ever closer to the answer. In fact it could come sooner than we think with the Blood Working Group finishing up a good portion of its work shortly which should disentangle the tangled thread that has become XMRV.

Check all that out in  XMRV at the Tipping Point - A Tale of Two Conferences

There's more. A quite a bit of advocacy went on  in tandem with the CFSAC meeting in late Oct in Washington DC

Of course there's always more XMRV

Cort Johnson

Phoenix Rising  - An ME/CFS Website at

Cort Johnson

Phoenix Rising  - An ME/CFS Website at

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