Cort Johnson Says Goodbye to Phoenix Rising: Opens up New Site

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Cort Johnson

Dec 29, 2012, 4:43:40 PM12/29/12

Goodbye to Phoenix Rising

Eight years after creating Phoenix Rising and two and a half years after turning it into a non-profit I am leaving Phoenix Rising and creating a new website. I don't think either the Board of Phoenix Rising nor I want to get into the nitty-gritty of what happened.

The most important factor for me was the Board's desire to have complete control over the organizations decisions which precluded me from having a leadership position. Other issues were involved as well  I,of course, need to take responsibility for my part in creating a situation in which something like this could occur.  

Obviously this wasn't how I or they intended this to turn out but it does happen from time to time with non-profits; it happened, for instance, with the CFIDS Association on a much grander scale about 15 years ago. 

The Board and I are aligned on our basic goals for Phoenix Rising and I support the work they're engaged in. Despite its large presence on the web Phoenix Rising has always been a very small organization. Each Board Member has contributed a great deal of time and effort to PR and I honor their commitment and I wish them and Phoenix Rising well in their future endeavors...

Hello To Err…Uhhh?

The Name Problem - Oddly enough choosing a new name for the website was maybe the most difficult and perplexing part of this whole endeavor. After a great deal of head-scratching I punted....The new website is at an easy to remember temporary URL - 

The name on the site now is Health Rising and I'd love to have more suggestions...Everything on this site except for the blogs themselves may be temporary; the location, the name, the look and feel…it may all very well change….

Support - The site is not a non-profit but I could use your support in several ways. Donations, of course, are very helpful.  Testimonials will be very helpful to build up the site and you can find a testimonial page here..Anybody skilled in Wordpress, PHP or CSS will greeted with open arms.:). We also have stores on the site.

Thanks – Thanks to everyone who supported me over the last couple of months and a special thanks to Simmaron Foundation, the website’s first sponsor, which provided critical help.

The Blogs!  - My production slowed down as the Board and I struggled over the next steps to take but will speed up quickly in the new site. I encourage you to sign up for the blog and the  monthly newsletter. Those are both available on the right sidebars on most of the websites pages. Be aware that the program does not let you know that you signed up...It will send you a email validation)

The present site is small. Besides the blogs it will focus on providing information more efficiently to the ME/CFS/FM communities. More on that later…

For now you can find these blogs on the site 

Look forward to interviews with Dr. Kogelnk of the OMI and Annette Whittemore of the WPI coming up. 

Thanks for your support over the years. 
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