Phoenix Rising: WPI Director Deckoff-Jones Talks,

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Cort Johnson

Feb 14, 2011, 12:04:39 AM2/14/11
to cort johnson

Dr. Deckoff-Jones Talks!   - The XMRV finding has put the spotlight for the past year on the research side of the WPI (or the Center for Neuro-immune Disease) but that's just half of the equation. When the Clinical side of the Center opens sometime in May it will bring an entire new entity to the ME/CFS integrated clinic/research facility. It will be more than just a much (much) bigger clinic. In this interview with the WPI's Clinical Director, Dr. Deckoff-Jones describes a kind of central proving ground for ME/CFS treatment; a hub, basically, that the treatment field can orient itself around. ...

Corinne is Back! Corinne is back with her blog on her treatment with Dr. Peterson. Here she returns for her second followup visit showing some nice improvement. Check out how she's doing and what Dr. Peterson has to say about her and CFS. 

Marly Silverman Says It's Time to Make a Difference Together  - the Marly Silverman the Founder of PANDORA and the MCWPA has had enough of  the infighting and bickering and tearing down and in this blog calls for the ME/CFS community to get its act together and put its energy towards  align around a common goal

The Stars Are Not Aligned Any More - The CFS Grant Review Panel at the NIH for February - this panel has been a notorious stumbling block for CFS researchers. The last CFS SEP Panel, heavy with immunologists and other CFS researchers, was a wonderful surprise (Unfortunately Dr. Klimas called the number of grant proposals 'pitiful' - so it's not clear how helpful they were.) The present panel is remarkably different from the last one and not in a good way. A surprise member was none other than Dr. McClure - an XMRV researcher of some notoriety in the CFS community. (She resigned after a substantial patient protest). 


Next Up - Two very different stories of healing...
Cort Johnson

Phoenix Rising
  - A non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and other neuroendocrineimmune disorders

Cort Johnson

Phoenix Rising
  - A non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and other neuroendocrineimmune disorders

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