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"Poor man's CNC" for machining rudder cores

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Mar 3, 2009, 3:27:03 PM3/3/09
to F22 Builders
If wrapping fibreglass with plastic film can be called "poor man's
vacuum bagging", then my method of using a router to machine the
rudder/daggerboard cores can be called "poor man's CNC".

See the photos I just posted, basically I glue a full-size template
onto the end of a piece of foam core then clamp a router in place and
make multiple passes under the router, adjusting the router location
for each pass. This gets me a core that's the same section all along
its length, then I shape the tapered ends by hand.

Just wrapped my high-density core today... used lots of peel-ply in
place of cling film.
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