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sails & carbon mast for F-22R?

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Jun 15, 2009, 5:16:10 AM6/15/09
to F22 Builders
I've just started building hull #105 in Dubai. To be honest, the
real building is being done by Chris Grey and team at local Dubai boat
yard AFI. We started in earnest about a week ago and are now
fitting bulkheads and chainplates in first float.

Any recommendations for sailmaker for full set of sails for F-22R?
I'm looking for a set that does justice to the performance potential
of the design but without breaking the bank. No sailmakers within
1,000 miles of Dubai that I'm aware of so suggestions are

For the carbon mast I'll be contacting Forte Spars, CST Composites and
Hall. Would love to hear any advice, suggestions, recommendations
from the group?

F-22R #105

Dubai. 25N55E. 42C and rising.

Jun 15, 2009, 9:13:21 PM6/15/09
to F22 Builders
Hi Robert , I bought a CST D-section for my boat but haven't launched
yet ( Hope by the start of our sailing season Sep/Oct) . Will be happy
to let you know how it goes if that is not too late for you . Most of
the major lofts have a presence in Asia and I am sure any of them
would be happy to help you . We are buying ours fron MacDiarmid .
Cheers , Jim B.
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