What is MANAGEX?

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Jul 8, 2006, 6:10:34 AM7/8/06
to Exhibition of Living Managers (MANAGEX)
What is MANAGEX?
Exhibition of Living Managers (MANAGEX: www.managex.info) is the
global art project, which consists of exhibitions taking place in
leading contemporary art centers of the world. The art objects of
MANAGEX exhibitions are living humans - real, employed managers, who
wish to exhibit themselves in a gallery format. We attach primary
importance to using volunteers, who take part in the project without
material motivation, solely out of their will of being displayed
preserving their professional identity.

Why Managers?
If there is certain mystery in every profession, managers are
definitely the secret masters who hold the keys to the modern
universe... I think that's the only explanation of their
proliferation in the world today. They proliferate so widely this
profession becomes not just social, but a cultural phenomenon. So, if
there are doubts about managers as art objects, why don't we go and
see with our own eyes?

How is MANAGEX organized?
After making arrangement regarding gallery space, the project
announcement with call for candidates is published in country's
business media or posted in a professional managers' forum in the
Internet. An important aspect of art concept is minimization of
authors' influence in the process of selecting participants, which is
going automatically since the moment of publication of announcement.
However the organizers ensure participants are indeed employed
managers. The exhibition is opened during Saturday and Sunday (to make
participation of managers more convenient) typically from 5 to 9 pm.
During exhibition, we provide maximum freedom of appearance and
behavior to participants, within the limits of our artistic concept.
Everyone is comfortably seated, and is free to talk to visitors or be
silent. Just like at any gallery exhibition next to each participant
there is a nameplate with information. Participants are free to provide
information (such as name, employer, position, salary, etc.) or leave
nameplate blank as they prefer. See www.managex.info for more
information and images.

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