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Nov 13, 2008, 11:30:57 PM11/13/08
Hi all
This electric bike seems like the future this country needs, what concerns me is the cost, the average middle income group can not afford the $3400.00, when a person can purchase a gas powered scooter/mophed for $1,800.00. The town I live in sold a lot of scooters all summer. The scooters were all right for a lot of people who bought the 49cc engines, this state does not require a license to operate a 49cc scooter.
Can the cost of the electric bikes get to realistic price, I would like to open an electric bike dealership, with the baby boomers getting into their 50s and with all the trails this state has to offer I see a market for the electric bike.
thank you

Vern Andrews

Nov 14, 2008, 10:45:05 AM11/14/08
At first, it does seem a bit costly to invest in an electric bicycle (or gas-powered). But ... stop and do the math .... How much does the average person spend on just one vehicle? Over the past four and 1/2 years, I've spent an average of about $500.00 each month on my Dodge Caravan, which I own (so no monthly payments!). That comes to about $6,000.00 each year (!!!). Another ten years at that rate, and I will spend at least $60,000.00 on my van! And I have an excellent driving record, very affordable insurance (only about $53.00/mo. maximum full coverage!!!), and have friends help with some of the mechanics work (which saves lots of money!).

Some people have two or three vehicles, and spend easily more than $1,000.00 each month for their vehicles!! So, with a little ingenuity, change in habits, organization, thinking, conservation, etc. ... You can make the necessary adjustments, and ride an electric bicycle most any place you need to go! Even if you spend more than $1,000.00 to invest in an electric motor/battery, you can obviously see the savings! Even if you move, to be closer to work, you can still save quite a bit ... !!!

And even if you invest in two or three motorized bicycles, you still save. You can keep your vehicle, as I am doing. However, I will put my insurance on parking status, and get a non-operational registration for my van, before January 1, 2009 (when my insurance renews), until I decide whether to fix it (needs engine repair), or donate it.

We can get around to all the places that we need to just fine by walking, riding the bus, Dial-A-Ride, or riding bicycles. So for us, investing in motorized bicycles is a very wise investment ... !!! I'd like to get an inexpensive 49cc gas-powered motor for my 18-speed Mongoose Switchback, so my oldest son (almost 17) can ride around. My youngest son is happy just to pedal, or even walk.

For me ... I'd rather have a regular bicycle, so I can still pedal, and get the full range of exercise, but with an electric motor for an extra boost (I have problems with legs, back, and high blood pressure, and chest pains). My legs are still getting stronger, even at 51 years old ... !!! I also do water aerobics, weights and stretching at InShape City. I always feel so good when i arrive at work, after a good ride on my Electra Townie .... and look forward to a good ride home .... 

-- riding4Him
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