EGR/MB: cool search trick & prayer for universal peace

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Christopher Locke

Mar 11, 2009, 10:33:22 AM3/11/09
to EGR googleplex
Valued Readers,

I've been sending some odd graphics lately, as some of you may have noticed. Just trying to keep my hand in as I finish (Goddess willing) this monster albatross of a Mystic Bourgeoisie post I've been working on for the past week. It's about The Goddess and suchlike matters. In it, I offer detailed clues and examples of how to use the most amazing search engine I've come across in some while. Only it doesn't look like a search engine. It looks like a site that sells magazine subscriptions. While some cognitive dissonance may be entailed, for once, I am not yanking your chain. 

This note is really just a bit of a teaser, as I need to finish said monster albatross. However, I have put an ad banner (!!!) at the top of Mystic Bourgeoisie. Please do go have a look. If you don't see it at first, you're probably getting an old page from your browser's cache. Flush that sucker, refresh, rinse and repeat. 

A not inconsiderable side effect of that banner is that if you click it and buy a magazine sub or two, I get money. This would help, especially this month, as the IRS ripped me off for $292.xx -- a story which I probably should not get into in a public medium like this, what with the NSA and who knows who else eavesdropping and all. Suffice it to say, I am broker than usual, and if any of you would care to hit the PayPal button while you're over there at Mystic B, that wouldn't hurt any either. 

But about that banner ad. I myself have used Zinio to subscribe to several publications that have been invaluable to my research. They're "a little New Agey," but precisely therein lies their inestimable value to the fulfillment of my obsessive mission. My own subscriptions are to the following (click images to go to the corresponding Zinio pages)... 
  1. Ode Magazine - Subscription 
  2. body+soul - Subscription 
  3. EnlightenNext - Subscription 
Anyway, please do go fool about with Zinio. There's a lot you can do there without spending a penny. A lot more than anyone quite yet suspects, I suspect. Am I being purposely mysterious? Well, yes. But that's because, as I mentioned above, my next monster albatross Mystic B post will include much more detail on this, including several interesting and informative live examples for your edification and (who knows?) enlightenment. And I must finish that post today or it will consume whatever is left of my immortal soul and leave me stranded betwixt the interstices of various antisocial media like some pathetic cyberzombie too far gone to psychically reboot itself. If you know what I mean. 

And because you've been kind enough to give the foregoing your undivided attention, here's a nice little pictorial preview of my forthcoming Goddess post -- also found via Zinio, btw...

Blessed Be,


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