Letter for Nikki

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Feb 12, 2008, 12:07:59 PM2/12/08
to Engelmann's Syndrome, nrak...@hotmail.com
This is a letter I wrote for Nikki. She was able to find a job working
from her home for her husband and once Social Security found out they
want her to pay back all the money she's gotten!! This is happening to
many people who are trying to work while living with a disability. If
anyone feel led please write a letter for Nikki and e-mail it to her.
She needs all the help she can get. If we all were to write a letter
like this, they might change their minds.

To whom it may concern,

I am writing for my friend Nikki Rakowitz. Nikki and I met because we
both suffer from the same terrible disease. This disease is very rare
and renders the person with the disease a life of pain and discomfort.
The disease is called Cammurati Engelmann and anyone with this disease
is in pain most of the time.

I am writing in hopes that you will release Nikki from paying you
back. Anyone living with this disease lives one day at a time and has
no idea what will happen a week, a month or a year from now. Out of
the 22 people I have met with this disease (world wide) not one of
them has been able to work on a consistent basis. All of us are
struggling because physically we cannot live with this disease and
work. Most of us with this disease can work a maximum of 3 months and
then get too sick to work.

Many of us with this disease want to work and be a part of society. We
want to be able to be self sufficient, but usually are not able to.

The only thing Nikki is guilty of, is trying to be able to work and be
a part of the human race. The disabled have always been encouraged to
try and find work and then when we do, we have to worry that Social
Security will find out or even worse take our benefits away. If Nikki
is able to find work at home, this should be a positive thing, not
something to make her pay back money that she doesn't have. Because of
situations like this, it is forcing disabled people to find jobs
"under the table" which is not what we want to do. We want to be able
to work when we are able to with Social Security backing us up.

Please release Nikki from this debt as she already lives a very hard
life with this disease and being in an unbearable amount of pain.
Please work with her to be able to work a little and still be able to
receive benefits.

Thank you for your time.


Mary Williams


Feb 12, 2008, 9:05:32 PM2/12/08
to Mary, Engelmann's Syndrome, nrak...@hotmail.com
Mary ,
I could not have said it better!  Is there a way that we could sign our names to that? or to some sort of a petition?
Gretchen Obst

Mary <handy...@cox.net> wrote:
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