Colorado Democrat concedes without state mandated recount

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Bob Klauber

Nov 18, 2022, 9:22:16 PM11/18/22
to Election Integrity
From Colorado U.S. House seat race below.

Dems underestimate the potential for manipulation (despite eye popping statistics that should be "red" flags ). Reps overestimate (despite no evidence that anything is working against them).

Does anyone think Boebert would have conceded if the shoe were on the other foot? Duh...
Bob Klauber

Frisch trails Boebert, who was heavily favored to win reelection, by about 554 votes, according to vote counts Friday afternoon – narrow enough for a recount under state law. Colorado requires a mandatory recount when the margin between the top candidates is at or below 0.5% of the leading candidate's vote total.

Despite the recount, Frisch announced his concession to Boebert in a video posted on Facebook, thanking his volunteers, voters and his campaign and saying it was unlikely the recount would change the results.

"The likelihood of this recount changing more than a handful of votes is very small – very, very small," Frisch said. "It'd be disingenuous and unethical for us or any other group – any other group – to continue to raise false hope and encourage fundraising for a recount. Colorado elections are safe, accurate and secure." 

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