Katie Hobbs did this as the sitting SOS.

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Mike Ridgway

Dec 4, 2022, 10:52:20 PM12/4/22
to Election Integrity
Are you Dems down with this?

P.S. SOS is a government position. In other words, as a government official, she implored Twitter to remove tweets that spread what she considered to be "election misinformation."

When the Biden Team did this, they weren't in office. Katie was. Much worse, right? Right?

Bob Klauber

Dec 7, 2022, 10:56:23 PM12/7/22
to Election Integrity
I think everyone in this group is strongly opposed to an SOS, in charge of elections, to run for governor, regardless of party. Fox guarding the hen house.

Mike Ridgway

Dec 15, 2022, 5:52:17 PM12/15/22
to Election...@googlegroups.com
I'm not so sure, Bob. But I surely appreciate you responding to my question. If I didn't know better, I'd surely think that Google is shadowbanning me.

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