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Will there be penalties?

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Mike Ridgway

Dec 10, 2022, 8:04:59 PM12/10/22
to Election Integrity
In 2016, Twitter colluded with the DNC to keep the American electorate from being aware of highly derogatory information about then presidential candidate Joe Biden and his family.

James Baker loses his attorney job with the FBI, becomes counsel for Twitter, and allegedly destroys evidence of possible criminal behavior before Elon Musk and company can bring it forward to the public.

As all of the suspects in the above matters are Democrats, the answer to the question posed in the subject line is self-evidently "no." There will be no consequences, just as there were no consequences for Hillary Clinton, Michael Sussman, and Igor Danchenko.

And we quibble over whether ballots should be paper-based or 1s and 0s on an SSD. Trivia ad microscopia.

For purposes of this email, the word "vetting" should be construed to mean "scrubbing." As in with BleachBit. 

Sure hope there were white hat IT people holding down the fort instead of Baker accomplices, otherwise, expect all of the backups to have been "vetted" as well.

Democrats silent.

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