Cliff Arnebeck: the Theft of our Elections Including the 2016 Primaries

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Richard Tamm

Jul 24, 2016, 2:17:10 PM7/24/16
to Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, DFA NorCal Group, Progressive caucus, Dems CA Alameda Cty Group, Election Integrity, VRTFP, VRTF, CEPN
Please distribute widely. 

​You may be asking, who is Cliff Arnebeck?  He's a prominent election integrity attorney deeply involved in research and litigation since at least 2004.  See below his Facebook post for details.
from Cliff Arnebeck on Facebook, 7/24/16:

Public notice of Rove-Cunnyngham theft of the 2016 Democratic Primary elections for Hillary Clinton 

In my July 7, 2014 letter to AG Lynch I describe FBI Director Comey as a bought and paid for agent of the criminal global corporate cabal engaged in the subversion of democracy in the United States:

"Since July 17, 2008, when I issued document hold notices for: 1) Karl Rove’s White House emails carried over Republican Party private servers at SmarTech in Chattanooga, Tennessee and 2) The U.S. Chamber of Commerce documents relating to the corruption of the judicial system of the United States through its coordination with the Republican Party of illegal corporate expenditures, I have been serving in an acting private attorney general capacity, in waiting, under the Ohio Corrupt Practices Act. My status was “in waiting” because I could not file such empowering litigation until we could acquire testimony of the essential cooperating insider witness who could bring together the full range of this election racketeering conspiracy.

In our case that essential insider witness was Michael Connell, CEO of both New Media and GovTech, who was Karl Rove’s IT/Web guru for the full scope of his political operations before, during and after Rove’s tenure in the White House (2001-2007). I took Mike Connell’s deposition on the day before the 2008 Presidential election. He admitted that the placement of SmarTech in a control position over the 2004 Ohio Presidential election was a subcontract within his contract with the Ohio Secretary of State, but denied that he, Mike Connell, had put them there. On December 19, 2008, Mike Connell was assassinated according to an after-action report delivered to the Cleveland FBI by an informant deemed credible by Intelligence reporter and former NSA analyst Wayne Madsen. 

Your decision of yesterday to accept Director Comey’s recommendation not to prosecute Clinton is inconsistent with your previous commitment to rely upon the recommendation of the career non-political attorneys in your office. Comey is a revolving-door political member of the Department of Justice. Comey’s assertion that no responsible prosecutor would undertake to prosecute Hillary Clinton upon the facts developed by the FBI has the appearance of being politically dictated by the same political forces behind the evident rigging of the 2016 Democratic primary election, so as to shift millions of votes from Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton. 

President George W. Bush appointed James Comey Deputy Attorney General in 2003; he served for two years that included a short stint as Acting Attorney General while John Ashcroft recovered from surgery. In that capacity Comey had to have known of the extraordinarily great amount of evidence that the 2004 Presidential election had been stolen and of Karl Rove’s politicization of the Department of Justice. Karl Rove transferred his protégé Stanley Borgia from FBI Headquarters Counterintelligence to the position of Agent in Charge of the Cincinnati Office of the FBI for the purpose of obstructing justice by shutting down the then in progress FBI investigation of the 2004 Presidential election in Ohio. That investigation had already uncovered the flagrant changing of votes from Kerry to Bush in Clermont, Warren and Butler Counties pursuant to the formal request for a federal criminal investigation made by House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers. Under Stanley Borgia the FBI issued a formal finding that the FBI had investigated and found no violations of federal law. The plain and incontrovertible evidence of the fraudulent manipulation of the 2004 Presidential election, with particular focus upon Ohio, is graphically documented in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s historic article Published on June 01, 2006 by Rolling Stone, “Was the 2004 Election Stolen?”

According to Dana Jill Simpson whom we retained as a researcher in regard to the documented fraud in the 2016 Democratic primary: 1) in 2008, when Michael Connell was assassinated James Comey was Senior Vice President/General Counsel for Lockheed Martin, this nation's largest military contractor and the company into whose hanger Connell’s plane was taken after its crash; 2) in 2010 when we arranged service of a deposition subpoena upon Rove and the US Chamber, Comey was the Chairman of Board of Directors of the US Chamber of Commerce's National Chamber Litigation Center. In that position Mr. Comey played a key instrumental role in achieving the plainly unconstitutional, corrupt and corrupting decision by a five-four vote majority of the Supreme Court in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, No. 08-205, 558 U.S. 310 (2010) and the subsequent fraudulent appearance in the 2010 general election of the largest partisan shift of votes since the Depression and 3) in 2012 when we were involved, again with Ms. Simpson’s professional research assistance, in countering election racketeering activity, Mr. Comey was serving as counsel to Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund in the world and possibly part of the cabal seeking to fraudulently orchestrate the 2012 presidential election in favor of fellow hedge fund executive and Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney."

In my July 12, 2016 letter of Bernie Sanders I describe one of the bases for our confidence in his dramatic victory in the 2016 Democratic Primary: 

"Congratulations on winning the overwhelming support of the American people for your candidacy to be President – not for you, but for them. 

If the pressures of these past two weeks compel you to say that you give up, it is understandable. As our expert researcher and your fellow whistleblower, Dana Jill Simpson, said at the Columbus, Ohio Broad Street Presbyterian Church last Sunday, “We crucify whistleblowers in this country.”

However, whatever you may say in the face of the ordeal you now suffer, you have been elected to serve us. No one – not even the king of Saudi Arabia or the highest lord of finance and media in the world – can coronate someone else to reign over us.

Exit polls are the international gold standard for measuring the integrity of election results. However, in the United States such exit polls have to be adjusted not once, but twice – before and after being taken – to compensate for the fraudulent manipulation of votes that regularly takes place. In your election in the 2016 Democratic primary in Ohio, the end of day exit poll result showed you winning 10% more than the result recorded on our vulnerable voting machines. However, one must add back the 6% of your vote that was deducted in anticipation of fraud before the poll was taken. Thus, our experts will testify that you won, not only 10% more delegates than recorded, but the majority of the actual votes of Ohioans. And, as Ohio goes, so goes the nation."

In my July 14, 2016 letter to Attorney General Lynch I report my discovery of the incredible fact that Karl Rove's covert ops team has been collaborating with the Clinton covert ops team since at least as far back as the 2000 Presidential election, and that the same guy who installed live-stream listening and viewing devices within Al Gore's Tennessee home in 2000 created the advanced technology electronic election rigging system being used for the first time in this 2016 election:

"Since writing you last week I have been reliably informed that persons acting on behalf of the Clintons collaborated with Karl Rove before the finalization of the 2000 Presidential election to illegally pressure Al Gore to terminate his challenge to the 2000 election result. And further, that the results of this collaboration were again used to illegally pressure Al Gore to not seek the office of President in the 2008 election.

I have been reliably informed that Mikey Cunnyngham, the technical genius of ST3 and SmarTech in Chattanooga, Tennessee, was the principal agent of Karl Rove, both in the criminal activity that compromised Al Gore in 2000 and 2008 and in the mass electronic vote count rigging that robbed Bernie Sanders’ voters of their votes cast for him and their victory in the 2016 Democratic Primary." 

Please help counter the concerted effort being made by the Clinton/Rove team to suppress, distort, and/or co opt my public notices of this information by sharing it through your avenues, as you see fit.



Lawsuit Filed: Court To Count Real Bernie Sanders Vote Tally

Posted on July 19, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry in NewsUS 

Bernie Sanders earned more pledged delegates than Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries and now a long awaited lawsuit has finally been filed in Ohio alleging that systematic and coordinated election fraud stole the presidential nomination from Sanders.

Filed by the Institute for American Democracy and Election Integrity, the lawsuit presents evidence of statistically impossible differences between exit polls and electronic vote totals.

The first stage of the legal action will involve obtaining raw exit poll data from a media consortium. The second stage will seek access to actual ballots for recounts and verification of machine totals.

Cliff Arnebeck, a prominent election integrity attorney leading the case, states:

Bob Fitrakis the lawyer and board member and writer of the Columbus Institute of Contemporary Journalism, has filed the first Ohio Election Integrity Lawsuit against Edison Media Research to release the raw data which shows such dramatic differences on exit polls and electronic vote totals in eleven states in the presidential primaries throughout the US.

Our examining the ballots will show us who really won the Democratic presidential primary. Although Bernie may have already conceded by that time or before then, at least he will know what the truth was about how many votes he really garnered. He can do with that what he wants.”

2016 Election Fraud & Voter Suppression (Nationwide) Lawsuit

Published on Jun 18, 2016

Join The Movement @
Get More Info @

With lawyers Cliff Arnebeck and Bob Fitrakis Justice served is the People’s Social Network for our Political Revolution.
It's #1 purpose is to assist the lawyers of the Nationwide Racketeering Lawsuit being filed by Cliff Arnebeck and Bob Fitrakis to prove that Bernie has in FACT received more votes than Hillary and has won by such a large margin he does not need the vote of the super delegates to receive the Democratic Nomination.

The Bernie Sanders Campaign, being structured as an official political campaign, cannot do things the (global) grassroots movement can do. Such as receive donations from across the world, direct his supporters to assist the lawyers in gathering evidence for the lawsuit, etc.

We all know "America's" Political Revolution - due to it's high level of morality, values, and intentions for co-creating a just and sustainable planet, IS what the world needs. An end to rampant corruption and destruction is at the foundation of our movement.

Also, as we all know, Facebook disables accounts, locks powerful activists out and gives our information over to the CIA and NSA (if they don’t have direct access to FaceBook, which is more likely), The People, “Berniecrats” of the Revolution are creating our own social network to keep control of our own accounts, our own data, and keep our strategizing amongst ourselves.

Welcome to the "Global" Political Revolution to Recreate Democracy as a System Governed With The People, By The People, & For The People!

Justice Served – Saving Democracy from Election Fraud in 2016 home page you tube channel

thank you for supporting, in the donation button.  
the bernie team  ] reports:

In 2004 Arnebeck filed a lawsuitagainst Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell and Bush administration operative Karl Rove over election fraud in the 2004 Ohio presidential primary. A string of lawsuits continued until a key witness, Republican IT guru Mike Connell, was killed in a small plane crash weeks after he was deposed in the case.

The current lawsuit requests that media organizations release the raw data for 2016 exit polls, stored at the University of Connecticut, for the first time.

The Institute statement reads:

The exit polls have been adjusted to fit electronic vote totals since 2004 when they appeared to show Kerry winning against Bush. Explanations were developed at that time to explain the differences between the exit polls and the vote totals which was that exit polls are generally unreliable. This assessment of exit poll reliability was developed by Karl Rove who was an assistant to George Bush.

Exit polls and electronic vote totals differed greatly in eleven states. After citizens on the Internet began to notice the wide discrepancies, the exit poll sponsors, The Media Consortium and Edison Media Research, canceled exit polls for all remaining states in the primary season.

The Institute is asking the public’s help in spreading word of the lawsuit. The full release can read at The Institute for American Democracy and Election Integrity website.

Richard Tamm
Co-Chair of The Voting Rights Task Force
Treasurer of the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club
1015 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94707

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