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Edward M. Lerner

Feb 7, 2013, 3:24:14 PM2/7/13
to Edward M. Lerner news
Hello, Edward M. Lerner reader!

I'm asked almost as often about the availability of my writing in
audio formats as about ebook versions. (Not to keep anyone in
suspense ... *all* my books are available in North America in multiple
ebook formats, always including Kindle. And the UK? I'll get to

Why the audio interest? Some dreadful commutes, I'm guessing ...

So: I'm delighted to announce that with today's audio release of Small
Miracles, all twelve of my novels and both all-fiction collections are
finally available in at least one audio format. They're downloadable
from; many titles are also available on CD and even tape


As for that disclaimer -- all *fiction* collections -- one book of
mine isn't available in audio. It may never be. That's last spring's
Frontiers of Space, Time, and Thought. The collection's short fiction
would work just fine in audio. Its science and tech essays -- complete
with footnotes, references for further reading, and the occasional
equation, table, and graph? Not so much.

But don't let the occasional footnote deter you from *reading* it.
Leading short-fiction review site Tangent wrote: “If you only read one
Hard SF book this year, make it this one. You won’t regret it."


A word to my UK readers: For the longest time, my Fleet of Worlds
series novels (with Larry Niven) have been unavailable in the UK for
download to the Kindle. I won't bore you with why, but as of a few
weeks ago, the fifth and final volume of the series was released for
Kindle UK. You can check out all five on

A few of my solo novels, alas, have yet to make the e-jump across the


Since last summer's two (entirely unrelated) novel releases --
Energized and Fate of Worlds -- reviews keep coming in. Larry and I
keep giving interviews. Podcast, YouTube video, text interview --
whatever style you like -- check out Interviews and Articles

for the links.


And that's it. Thanks for reading (or listening).

- Ed


Edward M. Lerner
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