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a Pak of trouble

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Edward M. Lerner

Nov 2, 2010, 8:36:46 AM11/2/10
to Edward M. Lerner news
Pak are humanity's (fortunately only fictional) cousins: lean, mean --
and scary smart -- fighting machines. In DESTROYER OF WORLDS (first
released in hardback about a year ago), the Pak were the latest menace
to confront the Puppeteers, aboard the Fleet of Worlds, and their
human allies.

As of today, DESTROYER OF WORLDS is out in paperback.

I've been delighted with the reviews since the novel debuted. To
mention only a few:

"Fun, fast, and full of ... remarkable aliens."
— SFrevu

" ... An absorbing mix of problems and puzzles and conflicts, space
battles and interrogations and negotiations, shot through with fresh
takes on familiar tropes and themes."
— Locus

"You'll find plenty here to enjoy. There are bizarre aliens both old
and new; there's more advanced technology than you can shake a neutron
star at; there are ideas to make your head spin."
— Analog Science Fiction and Fact

Curious? Check out a sample of the novel on the publisher's website
isbn=9780765361776#Excerpt), or check out my blog post when DESTROYER
was first released (
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