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A new phase of the Moon(struck)

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Edward M. Lerner

Feb 26, 2011, 9:40:42 PM2/26/11
to Edward M. Lerner news
My second novel, MOONSTRUCK, went in and out of print long before the
days of this newsletter. Before ebooks, too.

I'm delighted to report that MOONSTRUCK is available once more, in a
classy trade paperback format -- with terrific cover art -- and now
also for the Kindle.

And the story? I could tell you, but these review snippets describe it
*so* well ...

"Take one part Tom Clancy, one part Hal Clement, and one part Larry
Niven, shake well, and you've got Edward Lerner's edge-of-your-seat
day-after-tomorrow just-what-ARE-the-aliens up to thriller,

It's a rollicking good read, in which the puzzles all go snick-snick
at just the right moment, and the suspense never lets up. Highly

— Robert J. Sawyer, author of Rollback

"In his novel Moonstruck, physicist Edward M. Lerner operates proudly
in the classic hard-SF tradition of ... Robert A. Heinlein."


"Moonstruck is a rapid fire technothriller that puts fresh thrills
into the first contact tale. Fast, original, and will keep you
guessing to the very last page."

— Robert A. Metzger, author of Picoverse

(An aside to my longtime readers: MOONSTRUCK first appeared as a
serial in Analog, in 2003.)

Curious? Check out a sample of MOONSTRUCK on the publisher's website
( or go to Amazon
for more editorial and reader reviews.

And (barring surprises) coming up in a month or two ... the re-release
of my *long* out-of-print first novel. Look for another update note
when PROBE comes out in its twentieth anniversary edition.

Best regards,

- Ed

Edward M. Lerner

Feb 27, 2011, 2:27:24 PM2/27/11
to Edward M. Lerner news
As one list member and longtime reader was good enough to remind me,
Baen Books (the previous publisher) did offer an ebook edition of
Moonstruck. I was conflating Moonstruck (first edition: 2005) with
Probe (first edition: 1991).

Best regards,

- Ed

On Feb 26, 9:40 pm, "Edward M. Lerner" <>
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