Creating a "drawer" effect for Windows

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Dec 29, 2007, 5:57:11 PM12/29/07
to EasyTask Users
I have come across another application that is cross-platform and
accomplishes the drawer effect in Windows. The way that it is done,
is through the use of a window that opens, and is positioned so that
it looks like a drawer in OS X. As the main windows is moved, the
window that was opened to act as a drawer is also moved.

This might be a good way to provide the same type of functionality
without the true drawer effect.

The application I am talking about is found at the following URL: The name of the application is proNotes.

Anyway, I think that this would bring the two version (Windows vs.
Mac) within reach of each other, in terms of being in sync with the

Thanks for the great software,

Scott Smith
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