Trace subset of a specified thread of an execution

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Woods Arrow

2022年11月8日 凌晨3:28:282022/11/8
收件者:DynamoRIO Users
We're working on tracing subset of execution by invoking 'dr_app_setup_and_start' and 'dr_app_stop_and_cleanup' dynamically. As a result, we do get the subset we focus and the size of tracing file is reduced. Also we mention that, even if 'dr_app_setup_and_start' is invoked only in one specified thread, several trace files generated. So our question is, does this api works on all threads of current thread? And if there is any method to trace subset of one specified thread? Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

Derek Bruening

2022年11月10日 下午6:21:092022/11/10
收件者:Woods Arrow、DynamoRIO Users
If using drmemtrace, there is the drmemtrace_filter_threads interface to selectively trace only certain threads.  For core DR, it is complex to leave some threads unmanaged and so such modes are not well-supported, though they exist: DR_EMIT_GO_NATIVE, e.g.

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Woods Arrow

2022年11月15日 凌晨2:07:162022/11/15
收件者:DynamoRIO Users
Thanks for your suggestions firstly! This interface works as expected perfectly. Also we notice that this interface only works under client drmemtrace on x86, which could not fully fulfill our current requirement. Therefore we are working on enabling it on more clients and platforms, which will be contributed toDynamoRIO in the future. 
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