Protest the DEMOCRATIC DEBATES at Drexel University Tuesday - October 30 - 7:00PM

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Joanne O'Neill

Oct 29, 2007, 8:36:05 PM10/29/07
to New Jersey for Feingold / Russ for President
Please Forward Widely !!! Then....


at Drexel University

Tuesday - October 30 - 7:00PM
Show Support For:
· Kucinich's HRes 333 for Impeachment of Dick Cheney

· Conyer's & Kucinich's HR 676 for Single Payer Healthcare

· Bring the Troops Home Now !!!

· End Poverty

Gather at:
· 37th & Chestnut St. (walkway between International House &
University Unitarian Church)

· At 34th & Chestnut St. - we will join together with Act Up

· From there, we will continue to the Debates at 3141 Chestnut St. in

See map here:!101&encType=1

I am still looking for a couple of people to wear the Bush and Cheney
masks, also looking for someone with Orange Jumpsuits. Please contact
me at 856-858-4997 or

Also if you arrive early and want to check out their Visibility Pits
here are the details:

Outside of the debate location there will be areas where we can gather
that will be visible during all the pre-debate coverage on MSNBC.
Coverage will probably begin around 4PM and continue right up until
the debate starts at 9PM. These "Visibility Pits" are a perfect place
to wave signs, fly balloons, and let everyone watching know that there
is growing support for Impeachment .

Here is the latest from the Gravel Campaign:
Breaking News from the Mike Gravel for President Campaign
>From David Nelson-VanDette - Philadelphia Event Coordinator, Mike
Gravel for President

After originally making arrangements to include all the Democratic
candidates, MSNBC (owned by General Electric) reversed itself last
Friday and created questionable criteria apparently devised
specifically to exclude the most outspoken critic of the military
industrial complex. Despite proving to have met all but the most
arbitrary fundraising requirements, Senator Mike Gravel has
unequivocally been shut out of the MSNBC debate to be broadcast from
Drexel University tomorrow night.

As I type this, Senator Gravel and some of his staff are in
Philadelphia at the World Café Live (3025 Walnut St.) preparing for an
alternate Democratic Debate including (and hosted by) Senator Mike
Gravel. Participants will have the opportunity to watch the debate
with Mike and hear his thoughts as the evening unfolds. Afterwards,
he will take questions from the audience until midnight. We can't
stop the corporate censorship by MSNBC to the masses, but we on the
internet have the power to let the American people learn about the
candidates-even the ones General Electric wants to silence.

World Café Downstairs doors will open at 8:30, but the café upstairs
offers a respite from the cold and an array of refreshments before the


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