Failed to find "main" - but I have no main()

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Blair Mahaffy

Mar 15, 2023, 10:28:29 AM3/15/23
to Dr. Memory Users
Hi folks,

First time user and I'm having a heck of a time getting Dr. Memory to run against my applications.
VS2008, c++, 32 bit, running on Win11.
I verified that the code is all complied with correct debug options.
Running at the command line, this is what I get:

~~Dr.M~~ Dr. Memory version 2.5.0
~~Dr.M~~ Running "bpwin2000.exe"
~~Dr.M~~ Using system call file d:\logs\symcache\syscalls_wow64.txt
~~Dr.M~~ ERROR: Failed to find "main" for limiting memory dump
~~Dr.M~~ WARNING: application exited with abnormal code 0xc0000005

Thing is, the entry point on all my  applications is InitInstance(). There is no main().

Thanks for any advice! :)

Derek Bruening

Mar 16, 2023, 1:09:00 AM3/16/23
The "main" printed "ERROR" is innocuous: part of an experimental feature on dumping the memory layout.  It can be ignored.  Looks like your app crashed; does it not crash by itself?


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Blair Mahaffy

Mar 16, 2023, 10:21:22 AM3/16/23
to Dr. Memory Users
HI Derek, thanks for replying.

No, the app itself doesn't crash. I run it in the VS2008 debugger quite regularly and it behaves itself. And it is run by a long list of users. I'm looking for a possible memory leak that the debugger wasn't revealing which is why I'm looking at Dr. Memory.

I have a few apps, all built in the same environment, some tremendously complex (like this one), some quite small. All display this same behaviour with Dr. Memory. I don't think the environment is anything special;  vs2008, 32 bit, c++. All built with debug code enabled. Multi-byte and NOT Unicode.


Derek Bruening

Mar 17, 2023, 10:21:25 AM3/17/23

Blair Mahaffy

Mar 20, 2023, 6:09:08 PM3/20/23
to Dr. Memory Users
Hi Derek, thanks for your assistance here.

Working through the Narrowing Down page, I can try all of those command line prompts and none of them change the problem.

Running strictly under DynamoRIO, the application loads properly but I see no logging anywhere? Not sure what to expect.

I've tried this with a really simple application with none of our DLLs (the one I need to target has a load of dlls that it depends on) and I get the same result. I do see the dialog pop up briefly, no text displays on it. Then it goes away and that's it.

I attached the Dr. Memory logs if anything jumps out at you. Much appreciated.

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