Directors meeting minutes and financials

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Sep 28, 2023, 9:01:21 AM9/28/23
to via DoES Liverpool
Here’s my biannual update on the Directors meeting minutes. I’ve just updated the wiki page so you can find the minutes for meetings since January here:

Financials are always updated every month with the latest being here:

Generally we’re doing ok although our costs have gone up this year. Electricity went up as we reached the end of a fixed price contract (or the landlord did). Service charge went up due to works done on the lift last year. Rates went up because the Fabric District is now a grade-a destination due entirely to the Tory government and the council's endeavours.

As I say though we’re managing ok, overall the bank accounts generally go up month-on-month, apart from this month but that’s because we bought a laser fume filtration device.

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