Here we have 13 defs of the word GUMPHEON, only one of which comes from my dictionary. Please vote for your two favourites by public reply to this message before the deadline:
10:00 UTC/GMT on Saturday 3rd August
11:00 BST in London
12:00 CET in France and the Netherlands
6:00 AM EDT in New York
3:00 AM PDT in California
22:00 NZST in New ZealandNew players are welcome - just don't look up the word until after you've voted.
-- Tim L
*** GUMPHEON ***
1. _Scottish._ A funeral banner.
2. A road or path lined with columns.
3. A loud, oafish, unpleasant person.
_Contemptuous_. A coin-operated photocopier.
5. a medley of vegetables, served as part of a smorgasbord.
6. Random characters inserted into a line of text as the result of a coding error.
7. a light sleeveless coat of chain mail worn under the hauberk in the middle ages.
8. an obsolete unit of force or thrust in the metre-tonne-second system of units (mts).
9. A device used to turn pages of music on a piano, controlled by the pianist's knee (named for its inventor, Murgatroyd Gumph).
10. The eel
_Eurypharynx pelecanoides_, also known as the 'pelican eel' because its mouth can distend to swallow prey much larger than the eel itsef.
11. [_
Stroboscopy_] a name given by Dr. Harold Edgerton to the apparent reversal of motion of a balloon burst by a bullet as photographed with strobe lights.
12. An imaginary or theoretical device or contraption, often referenced humorously or ironically to denote something overly complex and ultimately impractical.
13. sticky mud; any of various fine-grained silty soils common in the central U.S. that when saturated with water become impervious and soapy or waxy and very sticky.