1. _Scottish._
A funeral banner.
Submitter: OED Votes: - & - Score: 5 + 0 + 0 = D5
Voted for by: Tony Abell, Glenn Davis, Judy Madnick, Debbie Embler, Johnny
2. A road or path lined with columns.
Submitter: Tony Abell Votes: 1 & 7 Score: 0 + *2* + 0 = 2 *
Voted for by: Nobody
3. A loud, oafish, unpleasant person.
Submitter: Glenn Davis Votes: 1 & 7 Score: 1 + *2* + 0 = 3 *
Voted for by: Debbie Embler
4. Contemptuous. A coin-operated photocopier.
Submitter: Paul Keating Votes: DQ Score: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
Voted for by: Nobody
5. a medley of vegetables, served as part of a
Submitter: Mike Shefler Votes: 9 & 10 Score: 1 + 0 + 0 = 1
Voted for by: Dan Widdis
6. Random characters inserted into a line of text
as the result of a coding error.
Submitter: Nancy Shepherdson Votes: 7 & 10 Score: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
Voted for by: Nobody
7. a light sleeveless coat of chain mail worn
under the hauberk in the middle ages.
Submitter: Judy Madnick Votes: 1 & 13 Score: 6 + *2* + 0 = 8 *
Voted for by: Tony Abell, Glenn Davis, Nancy Shepherdson, Shani Naylor, Efrem
Mallach, Johnny Barrs
8. an obsolete unit of force or thrust in the
metre-tonne-second system of units (mts).
Submitter: Debbie Embler Votes: 1 & 3 Score: 1 + *2* + 0 = 3 *
Voted for by: Dave Cunningham
9. A device used to turn pages of music on a
piano, controlled by the pianist's knee (named for its inventor, Murgatroyd
Submitter: Shani Naylor Votes: 7 & 12 Score: 1 + 0 + 0 = 1
Voted for by: Mike Shefler
10. The eel
Eurypharynx pelecanoides, also known as the 'pelican eel' because its mouth can
distend to swallow prey much larger than the eel itsef.
Submitter: Efrem Mallach Votes: 7 & 12 Score: 3 + 0 + 0 = 3
Voted for by: Mike Shefler, Nancy Shepherdson, Dan Widdis
11. [Stroboscopy] a name given by Dr. Harold Edgerton to the
apparent reversal of motion of a balloon burst by a bullet as photographed with
strobe lights.
Submitter: Dave Cunningham Votes: 8 & 12 Score: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
Voted for by: Nobody
12. An
imaginary or theoretical device or contraption, often referenced humorously or
ironically to denote something overly complex and ultimately impractical.
Submitter: Dan Widdis Votes: 5 & 10 Score: 3 + 0 + 0 = 3
Voted for by: Shani Naylor, Efrem Mallach, Dave Cunningham
13. sticky
mud; any of various fine-grained silty soils common in the central U.S. that
when saturated with water become impervious and soapy or waxy and very sticky.
Submitter: Johnny Barrs Votes: 1 & 7 Score: 1 + *2* + 0 = 3 *
Voted for by: Judy Madnick
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