Round 3353: ELECTUARY Call for Votes

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Paul Keating

May 26, 2023, 4:01:41 AM5/26/23
to Dixonary Group

Here we have a dozen definitions of electuary, in descending alphabetical order. My privileged position as dealer allows me to claim that the source of one of them lends it more credibility than the other eleven. You may try to identify which one that is. Or you may simply seek to reward inspired nonsense. Or a combination of both. Please vote for two definitions, by the deadline, which is Whit Sunday 28 May 10h30 CEST, in a public message in reply to this posting. 

1 Someone who has the right to the use and profits of something belonging to another.

2 rare. 1.  The Sistine Chapel, when the site of a Papal Conclave,  q.v.  2. Any site where voting is undertaken.

3 A rotating device used in restaurants to convey food orders to the kitchen staff.

4 Obs. A room or building containing a large radio frequency oscillator that drives an air-core double-tuned resonant transformer to produce high voltages at low currents, otherwise known as a Tesla coil.

5 A psephologist. 

6 A private office provided for a legislative committee.

7 Any official chosen to control a race.

8 A medicinal conserve or paste, consisting of a powder or other ingredient mixed with honey, preserve, or syrup of some kind.

9 Obs. (Of a person) Lacking the ability to read.

10 An honorary title given to priests of Eastern Rite Catholic churches after long and honorable service, corresponding approximately to Monsignor in the Roman Catholic church. 

11 Archaic. An honorary position in a society or organization.

A cut of meat derived from the facial cheek muscles of a ruminant animal.

Paul Keating
Soustons, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France

Shani Naylor

May 26, 2023, 4:20:27 AM5/26/23
I'll vote 2 & 10, & I see my def is missing. 

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Daniel B Widdis

May 26, 2023, 4:27:38 AM5/26/23
to Dixonary

I perused the defs, trying to recognize mine, realizing it wasn’t there.


Then I realized I didn’t submit a def.   Bah.


Oh, well, at least I can offer some points to the authors of 8 and…. Huh. I find none other believable.  5 I guess because I don’t know what a psephologist is either.



Dan Widdis


Paul Keating

May 26, 2023, 8:06:42 AM5/26/23
to, Shani Naylor
Eek. Humble apologies. Spreadsheet finger trouble on my part. Your def was there all right, on one tab, but not on another.

And the first tab was the one I was checking against incoming messages.

DP coming up, of course.

Dave Cunningham

May 26, 2023, 8:16:50 AM5/26/23
to Dixonary

10 and 11 are sorta the same. I do reject “controling the election “, so that one I ruled out.
so 10 and 11 it is.
Message has been deleted

Hugo Kornelis

May 26, 2023, 8:25:45 AM5/26/23
 > I dinna trust the system :(  as it did not show up.

Your first mail was held int he moderation queue. So was this one. Did you send from a different email address than your usual one?
I have released your mails and cleared the address you used on them for bypassing moderation.


Op 26-5-2023 om 13:52 schreef Dave Cunningham:
10/11. I thunk I voted a couple minute ago, but I dinna trust the system :(  as it did not show up. 

Judy Madnick

May 26, 2023, 8:50:48 AM5/26/23

4 Obs. A room or building containing a large radio frequency oscillator that drives an air-core double-tuned resonant transformer to produce high voltages at low currents, otherwise known as a Tesla coil.

5 A psephologist (because I have no idea what that means!)

Judy Madnick

Dave Cunningham

May 26, 2023, 10:30:01 AM5/26/23
to Dixonary

for years, I used the compuserve address. After Ian. ATT (my internet provider) was “unhelpful to the max” and I had to use iPhone internet which was also ATT.  so part of the farkle was at my end. Google thus “improved” me to gmail, which was weird. At any rate, I think it is fixed?  

Tim B

May 26, 2023, 11:26:20 AM5/26/23
1 and 6, please.

Best wishes,
Tim Bourne.

Paul Keating

May 26, 2023, 11:41:51 AM5/26/23
It showed up for me. As you’re newly returned it may have sat briefly in a moderation queue.

Dave Cunningham wrote on 2023-05-26 13:52:
10/11. I thunk I voted a couple minute ago, but I dinna trust the system :(  as it did not show up. 

On Friday, May 26, 2023 at 4:27:38 AM UTC-4 Daniel B Widdis wrote:

Glenn Thomas Davis

May 26, 2023, 12:14:24 PM5/26/23
to Dixonary
I'll go with 1 and 12.

France International/Mike Shefler

May 26, 2023, 12:41:03 PM5/26/23
I'll go with 2 and 5.


Hugo Kornelis

May 26, 2023, 1:54:41 PM5/26/23
Hi Dave,

 > At any rate, I think it is fixed? 

Umm, yes. That's what I was trying (and failing) to communicate.


Op 26-5-2023 om 16:30 schreef Dave Cunningham:

Tim Lodge

May 26, 2023, 6:12:49 PM5/26/23
to Dixonary
I haven't a clue, but I'll try 2 and 11.

2. rare. 1.  The Sistine Chapel, when the site of a Papal Conclave,  q.v.  2. Any site where voting is undertaken.

11. Archaic. An honorary position in a society or organization.

-- Tim L


May 26, 2023, 7:23:32 PM5/26/23
to Dixonary
Only 3 definitions without a vote, so I will even things up a bit for those players and vote for 3 and 7. None are believable so it doesn't matter.

Bending beneath His mercies,
Debbie E.


Tony Abell

May 27, 2023, 10:25:24 AM5/27/23
to Paul Keating

For no good reasons, I'll choose 1 and 6:

> 1 Someone who has the right to the use and profits of something belonging to another.

Efrem Mallach

May 27, 2023, 9:06:09 PM5/27/23
I'll tale 2 and 5 - and, as it happens, I know what a psephologist does.


On May 26, 2023, at 4:01 AM, Paul Keating <> wrote:

Here we have a dozen definitions of electuary, in descending alphabetical order. My privileged position as dealer allows me to claim that the source of one of them lends it more credibility than the other eleven. You may try to identify which one that is. Or you may simply seek to reward inspired nonsense. Or a combination of both. Please vote for two definitions, by the deadline, which is Whit Sunday 28 May 10h30 CEST, in a public message in reply to this posting. 

2 rare. 1.  The Sistine Chapel, when the site of a Papal Conclave,  q.v.  2. Any site where voting is undertaken.

5 A psephologist. 

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