Hi Alex,
the routines chacod and winfnt belong to the plotting section and not to the widget
routines. You have to use swgopt (copt, "coding") for the coding and swgfnt for setting
a Unicode font. For example:
void main()
{ int i, ip, id, n, iray[20];
char s[81];
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
iray[i] = 1024 + i;
n = intutf (iray, 20, s, 80);
swgopt ("utf8", "coding");
swgfnt ("Arial Bold", 14);
swgwth (40);
ip = wgini ("vert");
id = wglab (ip, s);
wgfin ();
In the code above I have converted some Unicode numbers to a UTF-8 string
and passed the string to a widget routine. If your editor creates UTF-8
output, you can use this output directly in the widget routines. ISO5 coding
should work in the same way.
With best regards,