Hello Helmut,
thank you for the quick reply!
Yes of course, 200 would be like "mit kanonen auf spatzen schießen".;)
But I have a graph in landscape A4 view, there are already more fitting then 50 and maybe someone has a A3 plot in landscape sooner or later. I'm just thinking about eventualities and if there would be a change in the code, then it would be maybe good to go straight bigger.
Besides my 2 cent. ;)
I tried the addlab() but can not get it to work. Can you give me maybe a hint please?
this is my sketchy fortran code ;) copied the hopefully nessecary lines
CALL AXSPOS(150,pos)
CALL AXSLEN(2700,450)
call ticks(1,"X")
call ticpos("CENTER","X")
call labtyp("VERT","X")
!call labels("MYLAB","X")
do id=1,lastelm
call addlab(FILNAM(id),float(id),0,"X")
!call mylab(FILNAM(id),id,"X")
! call addlab(FILNAM(id),51.0,0,"X")
write(*,*)FILNAM(id), " ", id
I tried first to addlab after tht 50. mylab, didN#t work. then just to use addlab, but my adjustments didn't work...
What do I need to change here? Thank you already for your help!
Best regards,