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mylab 50 labels limit

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Michael Wesoly

Mar 6, 2024, 4:00:09 AM3/6/24
to dislin-users

i wanted to ask, if there is a possibility to raise the limit of 50 labels in the function mylab. For example to 100 or 200? 
Or is there a trick, to write more than 50 labels at the same graf?
Thank you very much!
Best regards,

Helmut Michels

Mar 6, 2024, 4:24:21 AM3/6/24
to dislin-users
Hi Michael,

if you really need more than 50 labels at an axis, you can plot as many as you want  with the routine
ADDLAB, but normally, there is not enough space for 100 or 200 labels.

With best regards,


Michael Wesoly

Mar 6, 2024, 5:46:19 AM3/6/24
to dislin-users
Hello Helmut,

thank you for the quick reply!
Yes of course, 200 would be like "mit kanonen auf spatzen schießen".;) 
But I have a graph in landscape A4 view, there are already more fitting then 50 and maybe someone has a A3 plot in landscape sooner or later. I'm just thinking about eventualities and if there would be a change in the code, then it would be maybe good to go straight bigger.
Besides my 2 cent. ;)

I tried the addlab() but can not get it to work. Can you give me maybe a hint please?
this is my sketchy fortran code ;) copied the hopefully nessecary lines

CALL AXSPOS(150,pos)
CALL AXSLEN(2700,450)
call ticks(1,"X")
call ticpos("CENTER","X")
call labtyp("VERT","X")
!call labels("MYLAB","X")
do id=1,lastelm
            call addlab(FILNAM(id),float(id),0,"X")
            !call mylab(FILNAM(id),id,"X")
            !      call addlab(FILNAM(id),51.0,0,"X")
            write(*,*)FILNAM(id), "  ", id

I tried first to addlab after tht 50. mylab, didN#t work. then just to use addlab, but my adjustments didn't work...
What do I need to change here? Thank you already for your help! 

Best regards,

Michael Wesoly

Mar 12, 2024, 4:04:35 AM3/12/24
to dislin-users
Hello Helmut,

I found time to work this out now. t seems like working perfectly with addlab! ;) 
Thank you!

Best regards,

Helmut Michels

Mar 12, 2024, 5:01:13 AM3/12/24
to dislin-users
Dear Michael,

okay, thank you for the information. However, I have now increased the max. number of labels from 50 to 100 for
the next update, which will be released in the middle of April. I have also added a routine that can include additional
comments in a PostScript file.

With best regards,


Michael Wesoly

Mar 12, 2024, 11:51:50 AM3/12/24
to dislin-users
Hello Helmut,

thank you so much for your effort. This sounds amazing!
I will change back to mylab with the new version coming, it is just more slick and nicer in the code.
And the comments in the PS will help me so much, you can not imagine! ;)

Have a good day, best regards,
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