Yanhong Pan, Zeming Qi, Jianfang Hu, Xiaoting Zheng & Xiaoli Wang (2024)
Bio-molecular analyses enable new insights into the taphonomy of feathers
PNAS Nexus, pgae341
https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae341https://academic.oup.com/pnasnexus/advance-article/doi/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae341/7738345Exceptionally preserved feathers from the Mesozoic era have provided valuable insights into the early evolution of feathers and enabled colour reconstruction of extinct dinosaurs, including early birds. Mounting chemical evidence for the two key components of feathers–keratins and melanins - in fossil feathers has demonstrated that exceptional preservation can be traced down to the molecular level. However, the chemical changes that keratin and eumelanin undergo during fossilization are still not fully understood, introducing uncertainty in the identification of these two molecules in fossil feathers. To address this issue, we need to examine their taphonomic process. In this study, we analyzed the structural and chemical composition of fossil feathers from the Jehol Biota and compared them with the structural and chemical changes observed in modern feathers during the process of biodegradation and thermal degradation, as well as the structural and chemical characteristics of a Cenozoic fossil feather. Our results suggest that the taphonomic process of feathers from the Cretaceous Jehol Biota is mainly controlled by the process of thermal degradation. The Cretaceous fossil feathers studied exhibited minimal keratin preservation but retained strong melanin signals, attributed to melanin’s higher thermal stability. Low-maturity carbonaceous fossils can indeed preserve biosignals, especially signals from molecules with high resistance to thermal degradation. These findings provide new clues about the preservation potential of keratin and melanin, and serve as a reference for searching for those two biomolecules in different geological periods and environments.
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Per G P Ericson FLS & Yanhua Qu (2024)
An evaluation of the usefulness of morphological characters to infer higher-level relationships in birds by mapping them to a molecular phylogeny
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, blae070
https://doi.org/10.1093/biolinnean/blae070https://academic.oup.com/biolinnean/advance-article/doi/10.1093/biolinnean/blae070/7739876 The use of genetic data to reconstruct systematic relationships has revolutionized our understanding of avian evolution. Morphology-based classifications were often in conflict because of different opinions among scholars about the relative importance of certain phenotypes. The considerable morphological variation observed among birds was codified into phylogenetic characters by Livezey and Zusi (2006) who also scored them for 150 extinct and extant taxa. Herein we have evaluated the phylogenetic signal of 1860 of these characters by mapping them to a molecular phylogeny including 102 taxa that represent all extant birds (with the underlying assumption that this tree topology is a good estimate of the evolutionary relationships among birds). The characters fit the molecular tree with a mean consistency index (CI) of 0.38. Muscle characters are the most homoplasious (CI 0.32), while characters related to integument, feathers, intestinal, respiratory, syrinx, urogenital, nervous, and reproductive organs show a considerably better fit (mean CI 0.49). We also explored what characters may unambiguously support certain basal clades that are well-supported by molecular data. We found only a few clades (e.g. Galloanserae, Procellariimorphae) being supported by unambiguous apomorphies, while many well-established clades (e.g. Pelecaniformes, Charadriiformes, Accipitriformes, Coraciiformes) lack such support entirely.
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Diet is a key aspect of life in animals. There have been numerous independent origins of herbivorous diet across animals, but the factors that explain these origins remain poorly understood. One potentially crucial factor is body temperature (Tb), as the gut-dwelling bacteria that help digest cellulose in many herbivores are thought to require high temperatures. However, analyses in birds, lizards and mammals found only limited evidence for higher Tb in herbivores than in carnivores. These analyses tested whether diet explains Tb evolution. Here, we focus instead on testing whether Tb helps explain the evolution of diet across tetrapods.
Time Period
Past 350 million years.
Major Taxa Studied
We analysed 1712 species with matched data on diet and Tb using diverse phylogenetic methods.
Ancestral reconstructions indicated that tetrapods likely had a carnivorous ancestor, followed by repeated transitions to omnivory and herbivory, especially in the last 110 million years. Thus, extant herbivorous lineages in tetrapods are relatively young, in contrast to many older carnivorous lineages. They are also relatively unstable in that reversals from herbivory back to omnivory and from omnivory back to carnivory were as frequent as the origins of herbivory and omnivory. Using phylogenetic logistic regression, we support the hypothesis that higher Tb helps explain the evolution of herbivory across tetrapods and within birds, mammals, lepidosaurs and turtles. Phylogenetic path analyses suggest that Tb generally drives the evolution of herbivory, and not vice versa. Our analyses also suggest that Tb is more important for the evolution of herbivory than large body size or diurnal diel activity, which are both significant predictors of herbivory in some cases.
Main Conclusions
Our results show for the first time that Tb is a significant predictor of diet evolution among and within many major animal clades.
Abhishek Natarajan, Sudipta Dasgupta, Nibedita Rakshit & Yogesh Kashyap (2024)
Taxonomic revision of the giant marine snake genus Pterosphenus Lucas, 1898, based on new fossil material from the middle Eocene (Bartonian) Harudi Formation of Kachchh (Kutch) Basin, India
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology e2375332
https://doi.org/10.1080/02724634.2024.2375332 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02724634.2024.2375332Fossil snakes of the family Palaeophiidae are primarily known from rare, isolated vertebrae, leading to a poor understanding of the intra- and inter-columnar variation within a palaeophiid species. This leads to ambiguity in the taxonomic identity of these snakes, as in the case of the Eocene-age marine snakes of the genus Pterosphenus, in which the majority of species have been described by characters of problematic taxonomic value. Here, we propose a taxonomic revision of the genus based on an articulated to semi-articulated section of the vertebral column at the anterior to mid trunk-transition of Pterosphenus schucherti discovered from the middle Eocene (Bartonian) Harudi Formation, Kachchh (Kutch) Basin. The characters that separate Pterosphenus schucherti from ‘Pterosphenus schweinfurthi’ and ‘Pterosphenus biswasi,’ viz., the height of the pterapophysis and the anterior concavity of the zygosphene, have been found to be non-diagnostic, and the latter two species have been synonymized with the type species. Additionally, we utilized 2D and 3D landmark-based geometric morphometry to determine the morphometric affinity of palaeophiids amongst the alethinophidian snakes. The body size of the snake was estimated based on extant snakes with a morphometric affinity to Palaeophiidae. The cosmopolitan distribution of Pterosphenus schucherti is modelled based on the sea surface temperature (SST) constraints of the modern cosmopolitan snake Hydrophis platurus, and the known fossil localities of the species. The present findings provide crucial insights into the global paleoecological landscape of the Eocene, and the interactions of Pterosphenus schucherti with other palaeophiid snakes as well as the other Eocene fauna.
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Wolfgang Wüster, Hinrich Kaiser, Marinus S Hoogmoed, Luis M P Ceríaco, Lutz Dirksen, Christophe Dufresnes, Frank Glaw, Axel Hille, Jörn Köhler, Thore Koppetsch, Konstantin D Milto, Glenn M Shea, David Tarkhnishvili, Scott A Thomson, Miguel Vences & Wolfgang Böhme (2024)
How not to describe a species: lessons from a tangle of anacondas (Boidae: Eunectes Wagler, 1830)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201(4): zlae099
https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae099https://academic.oup.com/zoolinnean/article/201/4/zlae099/7735800A recent revision of the anacondas (Serpentes: Boidae: Eunectes), with the description of a new species of green anaconda, generated extensive publicity, but also provoked considerable controversy due to inadequacies of the evidence used and errors in nomenclature. We here use the case of this problematic publication to: (i) highlight common issues affecting species delimitations, especially an over-reliance on mitochondrial DNA data, and reiterate best practices; (ii) reanalyse the data available for anacondas to establish the true current state of knowledge and to highlight lines of further research; and (iii) analyse the nomenclatural history and status of the genus. While our analysis reveals significant morphological variation in both green and yellow anacondas, denser sampling and an analysis of informative nuclear markers are required for meaningful species delimitation in Eunectes. Tracing the history of name-bearing types establishes Trinidad as the type locality for Boa murina Linnaeus, 1758 and allows identification of the extant lectotype for the species. Finally, we emphasize the responsibility of both journals and authors to ensure that published taxonomic work meets the burden of evidence required to substantiate new species descriptions and that species are named in compliance with the rules of zoological nomenclature.