I don't see that this was mentioned yet on the DMG. The talk was presented at the 187th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, November 19-21, 2024.
"Acoustic characteristics of Parasaurolophus crest: Experimental results from a physical model." Hongjun Lin (Music and Performing Arts Professions, NYU, 82 Washington Sq. E, New York City, NY 10003,
"This study investigates the acoustic characteristics of the Parasaurolophus crest through the construction and experimental analysis of a simplified anatomical model. Motivated by the potential correlation between the crest and sound production and perception, a model was developed consisting of two open pipes connected at specific points to mimic the crest’s structure. Inspired by previous models of resonating chambers, the experimental setup involved exciting the model with a small speaker, collecting data via a minimally invasive microphone, and suspending the model with cotton threads to minimize energy dissipation. Verification experiments ensured the stability and repeatability of the setup, while a control group comprising a simple open pipe was used for calibration. Frequency sweeps generated response data, revealing a fundamental frequency of 800 Hz, with peaks present at its multiples. Some peaks were shifted compared to the control group, notably at 1300 and 5100 Hz, with the experimental group displaying non-linear behavior at specific frequency ranges. The results suggest that the crest structure could have functioned as a resonating chamber, supporting the hypothesis that it played a role in sound production and perception, potentially facilitating communication among Parasaurolophus individuals.
https://acousticalsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Program_187th_meeting.pdf(A129, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 156, No. 4, Pt. 2, October 2024)