Dodo systematics and nomenclature + neornithine stomach + Cenozoic mammal limb bone disparity + mammal forelimb diversity + lungfish genomes + more

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Ben Creisler

Aug 17, 2024, 2:42:08 PM8/17/24
Ben Creisler

Some recent non-dino papers:

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Mark T Young, Julian P Hume, Michael O Day, Robert P Douglas, Zoë M Simmons, Judith White, Markus O Heller & Neil J Gostling (2024)
The systematics and nomenclature of the Dodo and the Solitaire (Aves: Columbidae), and an overview of columbid family-group nomina
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201(4): zlae086

The Dodo and its extinct sister species, the Solitaire, are iconic exemplars of the destructive capabilities of humanity. These secondarily terrestrial columbids became extinct within a century of their first encounter with humanity. Their rapid extinction, with little material retained in natural history collections, led 18th and some early 19th century naturalists to believe that these aberrant birds were mythological. This meant that the nomenclatural publications in which their scientific nomina were established were based on accounts written before the species became extinct. As such, no type specimens were designated for either the Dodo or the Solitaire. Our in-depth historical overview of both species and associated family-group nomina found that the nominal authority of the Dodo-based family group is not what is reported in the literature. Moreover, our detailed review of the family-group nomina based on columbid genera ensures that the current columbid family-group systematization is valid. Changing nomenclatural norms between the 19th and 20th centuries had a profound impact on Dodo nomenclature; so much so that the Dodo is an example of how pervasive nomenclatural ‘ripples’ can be and a warning for our current world of multiple nomenclatural codes.


Review of 400 years of scientific literature corrects the Dodo extinction record


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Ryuji Takasaki & Yoshitsugu Kobayashi (2024)
Anatomical description of neornithine stomach with implications on neornithine stomach morphology
Journal of Anatomy (advance online publication)

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Neornithines, the most diversified extant tetrapods, have been a classic example for understanding form–function relationships, particularly in the context of the interaction between dietary ecology and neornithine phenotypic evolution. While the previous studies have primarily focused on beak morphology, the significance of the neornithine stomach, which serves as a functional analog of mammalian dentition, is expected to play an important role as well. However, current knowledge on neornithine stomachs is predominantly biased toward poultry and birds of prey, leading to a significant underappreciation of its impact on macroevolution. Here, we provide detailed descriptions of neornithine stomachs represented by 115 species of major orders and test if and how neornithine stomachs are related to their dietary ecology. We identified four morphotypes among neornithine stomachs, which are strongly constrained phylogenetically. While the neornithine diet demonstrates strong associations with stomach morphotypes, the associations are small or absent when accounting for the phylogeny in statistical evaluations. Similarly, the neornithine diet has negligible effects on their ventriculus mass under the analyses with phylogenetic correction. The results resemble a recent finding that a neornithine diet has no effect on intestine length when accounting for phylogeny, but rather flight performance does. Thus, the present study further supports the previous findings that dietary specialization in neornithine birds closely follows phylogeny, making functional convergence across taxa difficult to detect.


Carmela Serio, Richard P. Brown, Marcus Clauss & Carlo Meloro (2024)
Morphological disparity of mammalian limb bones throughout the Cenozoic: the role of biotic and abiotic factors
Palaeontology 67(4): e12720
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Mammals exhibit ecology-related diversity in long bone morphology, revealing an ample spectrum of adaptations both within and between clades. Their occupation of unique ecological niches in postcranial morphology is thought to have occurred at different chronological phases in relation to abiotic factors such as climate and biotic interactions amongst major clades. Mammalian morphologies rapidly evolved throughout the Cenozoic, with several orders following different paths in locomotory adaptations. We assessed morphological variation in limb proportions for a rich sample of extant and fossil large mammalian clades (mainly carnivores and ungulates) to test associations with ecological adaptations and to identify temporal patterns of diversification. Phylogenetic relationships among species were incorporated into the analysis of limb bone proportions, showing significant morphological changes in relation to species substrate preference. Major climatic events appeared to have no temporal impact on patterns of morphological diversification, expressed as morphological disparity, in either clades or ecological groups. Linear stochastic differential equations supported a double-wedge diversification model for limb proportions of carnivorous clades (‘Creodonta’ and Carnivora). The concomitant increase in morphological disparity throughout the Cenozoic for the orders Carnivora and Artiodactyla had a significative impact on the disparity of Perissodactyla supporting biotic interaction as primary driver of mammalian morphological diversification. Our findings challenge the classic idea of abiotic factors as primary driving forces in the evolution of postcranial morphologies for large terrestrial mammals, and propose clade competition as a key factor in temporal diversification.


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Sergi López-Torres, Ornella C Bertrand, Łucja Fostowicz-Frelik, Madlen M Lang, Chris J Law, Gabriela San Martin-Flores, Michael A Schillaci & Mary T Silcox (2024)
The allometry of brain size in Euarchontoglires: clade-specific patterns and their impact on encephalization quotients
Journal of Mammalogy, gyae084

The timing and nature of evolutionary shifts in the relative brain size of Primates have been extensively studied. Less is known, however, about the scaling of the brain-to-body size in their closest living relatives, i.e., among other members of Euarchontoglires (Dermoptera, Scandentia, Lagomorpha, Rodentia). Ordinary least squares (OLS), reduced major axis (RMA), and phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) regressions were fitted to the largest euarchontogliran data set of brain and body mass, comprising 715 species. Contrary to previous inferences, lagomorph brain sizes (PGLS slope = 0.465; OLS slope = 0.593) scale relative to body mass similarly to rodents (PGLS = 0.526; OLS = 0.638), and differently than primates (PGLS = 0.607; OLS = 0.794). There is a shift in the pattern of the scaling of the brain in Primates, with Strepsirrhini occupying an intermediate stage similar to Scandentia but different from Rodentia and Lagomorpha, while Haplorhini differ from all other groups in the OLS and RMA analyses. The unique brain–body scaling relationship of Primates among Euarchontoglires illustrates the need for clade-specific metrics for relative brain size (i.e., encephalization quotients; EQs) for more restricted taxonomic entities than Mammalia. We created clade-specific regular and phylogenetically adjusted EQ equations at superordinal, ordinal, and subordinal levels. When using fossils as test cases, our results show that generalized mammalian equations underestimate the encephalization of the stem lagomorph Megalagus turgidus in the context of lagomorphs, overestimate the encephalization of the stem primate Microsyops annectens and the early euprimate Necrolemur antiquus, but provide similar EQ values as our new strepsirrhine-specific EQ when applied to the early euprimate Adapis parisiensis.


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Priscila S. Rothier, Anne-Claire Fabre, Roger B. J. Benson, Quentin Martinez, Pierre-Henri Fabre, Brandon P. Hedrick & Anthony Herrel (2024)
Of flippers and wings: The locomotor environment as a driver of the evolution of forelimb morphological diversity in mammals
Functional Ecology (advance online publication)

The early diversification of tetrapods into terrestrial environments involved adaptations of their locomotor apparatus that allowed for weight support and propulsion on heterogeneous surfaces. Many lineages subsequently returned to the water, while others conquered the aerial environment, further diversifying under the physical constraints of locomoting through continuous fluid media. While many studies have explored the relationship between locomotion in continuous fluids and body mass, none have focused on how continuous fluid media have impacted the macroevolutionary patterns of limb shape diversity.
We investigated whether mammals that left terrestrial environments to use air and water as their main locomotor environment experienced constraints on the morphological evolution of their forelimb, assessing their degree of morphological disparity and convergence. We gathered a comprehensive sample of more than 800 species that cover the extant family-level diversity of mammals, using linear measurements of the forelimb skeleton to determine its shape and size.
Among mammals, fully aquatic groups have the most disparate forelimb shapes, possibly due to the many different functional roles performed by flippers or the relaxation of constraints on within-flipper bone proportions. Air-based locomotion, in contrast, is linked to restricted forelimb shape diversity. Bats and gliding mammals exhibit similar morphological patterns that have resulted in partial phenotypic convergence, mostly involving the elongation of the proximal forelimb segments.
Thus, whereas aquatic locomotion drives forelimb shape diversification, aerial locomotion constrains forelimb diversity. These results demonstrate that locomotion in continuous fluid media can either facilitate or limit morphological diversity and more broadly that locomotor environments have fostered the morphological and functional evolution of mammalian forelimbs.


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David T. Ledesma, Simon G. Scarpetta, John J. Jacisin III, Antonio Meza & Melissa E. Kemp (2024)
Identification of Late Pleistocene and Holocene fossil lizards from Hall’s Cave (Kerr County, Texas) and a primer on morphological variation in North American lizard skulls.
PLoS ONE 19(8): e0308714

Fossil identification practices have a profound effect on our interpretation of the past because these identifications form the basis for downstream analyses. Therefore, well-supported fossil identifications are necessary for examining the impact of past environmental changes on populations and communities. Here we apply an apomorphic identification framework in a case study identifying fossil lizard remains from Hall’s Cave, a late Quaternary fossil site located in Central Texas, USA. We present images and descriptions of a broad comparative sample of North American lizard cranial elements and compile new and previously reported apomorphic characters for identifying fossil lizards. Our fossil identifications from Hall’s Cave resulted in a minimum of 11 lizard taxa, including five lizard taxa previously unknown from the site. Most of the identified fossil lizard taxa inhabit the area around Hall’s Cave today, but we reinforce the presence of an extirpated species complex of horned lizard. A main goal of this work is to establish a procedure for making well-supported fossil lizard identifications across North America. The data from this study will assist researchers endeavoring to identify fossil lizards, increasing the potential for novel discoveries related to North American lizards and facilitating more holistic views of ancient faunal assemblages.


Manfred Schartl, Joost M. Woltering, Iker Irisarri, Kang Du, Susanne Kneitz, Martin Pippel, Thomas Brown, Paolo Franchini, Jing Li, Ming Li, Mateus Adolfi, Sylke Winkler, Josane de Freitas Sousa, Zhuoxin Chen, Sandra Jacinto, Evgeny Z. Kvon, Luis Rogério Correa de Oliveira, Erika Monteiro, Danielson Baia Amaral, Thorsten Burmester, Domitille Chalopin, Alexander Suh, Eugene Myers, Oleg Simakov, Igor Schneider & Axel Meyer (2024)
The genomes of all lungfish inform on genome expansion and tetrapod evolution
Nature (advance online publication)

The genomes of living lungfishes can inform on the molecular-developmental basis of the Devonian sarcopterygian fish–tetrapod transition. We de novo sequenced the genomes of the African (Protopterus annectens) and South American lungfishes (Lepidosiren paradoxa). The Lepidosiren genome (about 91 Gb, roughly 30 times the human genome) is the largest animal genome sequenced so far and more than twice the size of the Australian (Neoceratodus forsteri) and African lungfishes owing to enlarged intergenic regions and introns with high repeat content (about 90%). All lungfish genomes continue to expand as some transposable elements (TEs) are still active today. In particular, Lepidosiren’s genome grew extremely fast during the past 100 million years (Myr), adding the equivalent of one human genome every 10 Myr. This massive genome expansion seems to be related to a reduction of PIWI-interacting RNAs and C2H2 zinc-finger and Krüppel-associated box (KRAB)-domain protein genes that suppress TE expansions. Although TE abundance facilitates chromosomal rearrangements, lungfish chromosomes still conservatively reflect the ur-tetrapod karyotype. Neoceratodus’ limb-like fins still resemble those of their extinct relatives and remained phenotypically static for about 100 Myr. We show that the secondary loss of limb-like appendages in the Lepidosiren–Protopterus ancestor was probably due to loss of sonic hedgehog limb-specific enhancers.



Mickey Mortimer

Aug 17, 2024, 9:41:08 PM8/17/24
to Dinosaur Mailing Group
Young et al.'s dodo paper has an interesting take that I'm not sure I agree with.  After an EXTENSIVE discussion, they conclude "No type specimen has been designated formally for †Raphus cucullatus (the Mauritian Dodo, or simply the Dodo). Several syntypes have been postulated (see Mlíkovský et al. 2011, Mlíkovský 2012, Parish 2015), but, as discussed above, there is no direct evidence that any of those specimens form part of the original type series. Alas, we cannot locate any members of the original type series, which, as we stated above, is based upon: (i) the lost partial leg and foot brought to Europe (Clusius 1605: 100); (ii) the unknown individuals that Bontius’ (1658: 70–71) description was based upon; and (iii) the unknown individuals that Dutch sailors saw during the van Neck voyage, which, in part, formed the basis of Clusius’ (1605: 99–100) illustrations and description. As such, we cannot designate a lectotype."

Well, that's fair enough.  But then they say "At present, we cannot formally designate a neotype for †Raphus cucullatus. In order to be fully compliant with Article 75 of the Zoological Code, a neotype designation cannot be ‘an end in itself, or a matter of curatorial routine, and any such neotype designation is invalid’ (Article 75.2), and ‘there is an exceptional need’ (Article 75.3). There is no exceptional need for a neotype for the Dodo. As we have shown above, only one raphinan species is known from the Island of Mauritius, and there is no nomenclatural or systematic confusion for said species. Should fossil raphinan remains be discovered in Mauritius, it might be worth revisiting the typification of the Dodo."

Personally, I would think the fact the original types are realistically never going to be found creates an "exceptional need" because every species should have an available type specimen when possible.  On the other hand, most extant species named prior to the 1900s probably lack types, so maybe neontologists feel differently.  But given the recent number of cryptic species discovered via molecular analyses, perhaps they shouldn't?  And the dodo is extinct now anyway, so I would argue it now falls under the purview of how we deal with fossil species.  Thoughts?

Mickey Mortimer

Tim Williams

Aug 18, 2024, 4:41:00 AM8/18/24
Mickey Mortimer <> wrote:

> Personally, I would think the fact the original types are realistically never going to be found creates an "exceptional need" because every species
> should have an available type specimen when possible.  On the other hand, most extant species named prior to the 1900s probably lack types, so maybe
> neontologists feel differently.  But given the recent number of cryptic species discovered via molecular analyses, perhaps they shouldn't?  And the
> dodo is extinct now anyway, so I would argue it now falls under the purview of how we deal with fossil species.  Thoughts?

I'm inclined to agree.  After their exhaustive and painstaking overview of dodo-related nomenclature, I had thought that the nomination of a neotype would be the next logical step.  As they make clear, historically the names 'dodo' and 'solitaire' have been applied to other island-dwelling birds (both real and fictitious), accompanied by a proliferation of genus and species names.  The confusing nomenclature is now resolved, and I don't see any harm in erecting neotypes for the real dodo (_Raphus cucullatus_) and the real solitaire (_Pezophaps solitaria_).  

This overview addresses one minor and esoteric query I had regarding the dodo: the meaning behind the genus _Raphus_.  Apparently the origin of the name is "unclear".  _Raphus_ appears to be Greek in origin, and might be based on an ancient or medieval word for some kind of bird, that in turn might be derived from the word 'rhamphos' meaning beak.

Ethan Schoales

Aug 18, 2024, 4:50:02 AM8/18/24
The name dates from 1760, so it probably wasn’t originally explained. Speaking of which, Linnaeus described the dodo as Struthio cucullatus in 1758, then Brisson described it as Raphus in 1760 but apparently didn’t use binomial names, then Linnaeus renamed it Didus ineptus in 1766. It was D. ineptus for a while, but is now by priority Raphus cucullatus. 

My question is, if Brisson didn’t use the current combination of R. cucullatus (seemingly he didn’t, see who used it first? (Same with the other combinations of Brisson’s genus names with Linnaeus’s species names.)

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e w

Aug 26, 2024, 5:47:18 PM8/26/24

"Raphus" as a historical bird name would most likely be the Cyranides' "Rhaphos" (in other manuscripts rendered as Rha(m)phios), identifiable as _Pelecanus crispus/onocrotalus_.
Supposedly Galen used "R(h?)aphos" for _Otis tarda_, but I have not found anything in a cursory search; if it is indeed a Galenic term for _O. tarda_, it is probably a misinterpretation based on size.

However, Ancient Greek words starting with r(h)af- are generally related to needlework such as sewing or stitching. Compare "raphe", widely used in anatomy (both zoological and botanical) for "suture"-like ridged junctures.

"Raphus" could thus just as well refer to the dodo's head plumage (note especially this drawing by Savery - as well as its derivative erroneously attributed to Bontekoe -, which was probably based on stuffed or skin specimens which had suffered some damage or abrasion to the crown plumage), or its juncture with the bare facial skin.

"Raphus cucullatus" would in this case mean something like "hooded stitched-together bird".

Either interpretation is plausible for Brisson's time, given a) the contemporary tendency to dismiss dodos as taxidermic chimeras, and b) the contemporary attempts to revise the bestiaries of Late Antiquity and Medieval authors within a (proto)modern taxonomic framework (cf baromez, bernicla, catoblepas, manticore etc, or Linné's "Paradoxa" category in general).
If anything, however, the "needlework" hypothesis is more plausible, because the Cyranides' "Rhaphos" is a transparent lapsus for "Rhamph(i)os", and it is hard to imagine Brisson not recognizing it as such.
Also, the Cyranides had a long-standing reputation as low-quality compilation, and were dismissed as having little if any scientific merit in Browne's Pseudodoxia. By Brisson's time, the work was so universally rejected that it is hard to explain why an eminent naturalist would resort to it as a nomenclatural source. Even more so since the "Rhaphos" spelling was not universal in the Cyranides manuscripts: if it is assumed that Brisson was making a pun on the dodo's "otherworldliness" by using a name from a work long dismissed as bad fiction, it would still mean that most of the few contemporaries who had actually read the Cyranides could not make this connection.


Eike Wulfmeyer

Am Sonntag, 18. August 2024 um 10:41:01 MESZ hat Tim Williams <> Folgendes geschrieben:

Ethan Schoales

Aug 26, 2024, 5:49:25 PM8/26/24
Fascinating. Maybe Brisson was a master of puns.

Anyway, I’m still not sure who first used the modern name combination of Raphus cucullatus.

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