T. rex senses + Spinosaurus + Tanis site controversy + painting ancient beasts + more

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Ben Creisler

Aug 28, 2024, 2:45:40 PM (13 days ago) Aug 28
to DinosaurMa...@googlegroups.com
Ben Creisler

Some recent items:

Dinosaur Brain Science Is Revealing the Senses of T. rex and Its Prey

Plant-eating dinosaurs evolved backup teeth to eat tough food, research reveals


Caletodraco from France

The discovery of the predatory dinosaur Alpkarakush
Natural History Museum Bamberg (video)
5 min.


Sauropod skeleton for Los Angeles County Museum


The Convoluted History of Spinosaurus - Pranav Puppala (Anning Lectures)
Yorkshire Natural History Museum (video)
30 min.


Unveiling the Tenontosaurus: 30 Years of Fossil Preparation
Sam Noble Museum (video)
1 min.



Paleontologist Ken Lacovara and the fifth extinction that killed the dinosaurs (with audio)


Paleontologist Steve Brusatte explains his role in showing feathered dinosaurs to the world


Emily Rayfield, University of Bristol paleontologist, is Royal Society Gabor Medal winner for engineering-informed computational paleobiology work



Giant pterosaurs above the heads of tyrannosaurs (in Czech)

Largest fossil dung of the T. rex weighs over 9 kg (in Czech)


Tiny dinosaur tracks in northwest China could help to trace evolution of birds
Chinese scientists say they have found evidence that chicken-sized dinosaurs lived in what is now Gansu province


Schoolgirl's dinosaur footprint find on Vale of Glamorgan beach in Wales


Montana Dinosaur Center in Bynam, Montana, showcases Two Medicine fossil discoveries


The Asteroid-in-Spring Hypothesis Two paleontologists have turned on each other, each claiming to have found new evidence from Tanis site about the worst day on Earth


The End Cretaceous Extinction Without the Meteor by Anna Talbot-Ponsonby (Anning Lectures)
Yorkshire Natural History Museum (video)
23 min.


Why Paint Ancient Beasts? Exploring extinct worlds and our place in the universe with Brian Engh
Sam Noble Museum (video)
79 min.


Secrets of the Deadly T-Rex: King of the Dinosaurs with Scott Persons and Steve Brusatte
Lost Beasts Unearthed series (2023) (2022 documentary)
National Geographic Channel (video)
44 min.


The Excavation of the Swanage Crocodile | with Richard Edmonds
The Etches Collection (video)
20 min.


When India Was An Island
PBS Eons (video)
13 min.



Wildly divergent skinks provide a window into how evolution works


The Mystery of South America's False Horses
PBS Eons (video)
12 min.


How Mammals Changed During the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum


Darwin's fear was unjustified: Study suggests fossil record gaps not a major issue


Mass Extinctions, Missing Links and Other Myths of Evolution with Professor Simon Conway Morris
The Etches Collection (video)
42 min.


Aug 28, 2024, 7:32:42 PM (13 days ago) Aug 28
to Dinosaur Mailing Group
On Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 2:45:40 PM UTC-4 bcre...@gmail.com wrote:
Ben Creisler

Some recent items:



The Asteroid-in-Spring Hypothesis Two paleontologists have turned on each other, each claiming to have found new evidence from Tanis site about the worst day on Earth

This is behind a paywall but I have the article.  The New Yorker story mentioned is Douglas Preston's  2019 "The Day the Dinosaurs Died" piece.  The pdf of that can be downloaded at https://buddhistuniversity.net/content/articles/day-dinos-died_preston-douglas

Here's a headline for Mike Taylor:  "The Feud Tearing the Paleontology World Apart"  

Jerry Harris

Aug 29, 2024, 11:29:59 AM (12 days ago) Aug 29
to Dinosaur Mailing Group
The entire NY Magazine article can be accessed here: https://archive.is/1EzGA

Mike Taylor

Aug 29, 2024, 12:28:30 PM (12 days ago) Aug 29
to DinosaurMa...@googlegroups.com
Nice of you to think of me :-)

-- Mike.

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