Nevada has Dinosaurs? with paleontologist Josh Bonde
Nevada Museum of Art (video)
44 min.
Funding for dinosaur fossil digging falls, as French interest rises
France’s varied geology makes it fertile ground for dinosaur fossil hunters, but many finds have only been unearthed in the last 20 years, with French palaeontologists only recently becoming interested in dinosaurs – and now funding is becoming harder to secure.
Unaysaurus: Beast of the Week
In Czech:
How I visited (type locality of) Burianosaurus augustai
Priconodon: Did a giant 30 tonne thyreophoran dinosaur exist?
Warpath (in Spanish)
Dr. Juan Canale, investigador de CONICET
20 min.
How did dinosaurs mate, have sex, and reproduce? Fossil evidence offers some clues
11 Questions About Stegosaurus
American Museum of Natural History
7 min.
Paleontologist Dr. Kenneth Lacovara Answers Extinction Questions (video)
22 min.
A New Early Reptile (Threordatoth) With Bizarre Teeth From The Triassic of England
Virginia Tech paleontologist Hannah Burch helped discover a new potentially poisonous reptile species Microzemiotes sonselaensis. (with video)
Procolophonid Kapes signus: The capitosaurs of Montseny were not alone
66 million-year-old fish vomit discovered in Denmark
Fossil discovery in the Geiseltal Collection: Researchers identify unique bird skull of Diatryma
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
In German:
Prehistoric Penguins Help Research March On