Jurassic dinosaur Tate conference + Nanotyrannus + Koleken + Pangaea breakup + Lucy + more

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Ben Creisler

May 29, 2024, 4:16:19 PMMay 29
to DinosaurMa...@googlegroups.com
Ben Creisler

Some recent items:


28th Annual Tate Conference presents 'The Jurassic: Death, Diversity and Dinosaurs'


Tate Teaser Tuesday – Taphonomy of the Titans! (Matt Wedel)


The Great Nanotyrannus Debate. The Most Amazing Dinosaur That Never Existed... Or Did It?
Nick Longrich (video)
60 min.


Kiyacursor: Partial skeleton of a previously unknown medium-sized theropod dinosaur found in Siberia





'Koleken', el feroz cazador que reescribe la historia de los últimos dinosaurios


When dinosaurs developed warm blood


Did dinosaurs need feathers to fly? | Surprising Science
Natural History Museum (London)
1 min.



How do you name a dinosaur?
American Museum of Natural History (video)
4 min.


Paleo Nerds Podcast Ep #74 Resurrecting Dinosaurs One Chip at Time with Museum of the Rockies' Cassi Knight


Terrible Lizards Podcast: TLS10E05 Live Dinosaur Questions


Over 400 Cretaceous dinosaur footprint fossils discovered in SW China


Fossil restorer puts back pieces of the past
Niu Dongyi adding to record of world's natural history

Silesaurus: Beast of the Week


Paleontologists Discover New Species of Elasmosaur: Marambionectes


100-million year-old monotreme fossils unveiled
ABC News (Australia)
6 min.


Discovery of ancient rock impression suggests ability to form cornified skin goes back to early evolution of tetrapods


When The Atlantic Ripped Open A Supercontinent
PBS Eons
12 min.



Small birds boast range of flight styles thanks to evolutionary edge


Exploring The Incredible Diversity Of Living Dinosaurs
8 min.

A sneak peek at our new exhibition, Birds: Brilliant and Bizarre
Natural History Museum (London)
27 min.

"More Subtil than Any Beast": On the Evolution of Snakes
Maryland Nature
John Merck presents a paleontological investigation into the origins of snakes
59 min.


After 50 years, Lucy faces rivals with other human ancestors
Science Magazine (video)
10 min.
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