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Saurophaganax controversy + Morrison Formation sauropods + Appalachian dinosaurs + Hong Kong dinosaur find + uintatheres + more

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Ben Creisler

Oct 26, 2024, 5:22:46 PM10/26/24
Ben Creisler

Recent items:


Tylostoma 3, the Portuguese Society of Paleontology newsletter with abstracts from III PaleoPT meeting with some dinosaur stuff (in Portuguese)

OK, there is an embargo on SVP abstracts until presentations are made, but if one of the authors is OK about this...

About that Saurophaganax abstract


Five questions from Tom Redd about sauropods


The pneumatic rib evolution figure in a more useful format


Dino Fest Discussions at Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Jurassic Giants: The Largest Organisms on the Morrison Formation Floodplain and the Sauropods that Are Them
ReBecca Hunt-Foster and John Foster
44 min.

Gnatalie the Green Dinosaur: From Ground to Mount
21 min.


The Dinosaurs That Evolution Forgot
PBS Eons
11 min.


Emiliasaura: New Species of Plant-Eating Dinosaur Identified in Argentina

Tracks left by a bird-sized dinosaur suggest it used wings to run faster

Hell Creek’s Deadly Predators: Newly Discovered Prehistoric Birds of Prey Hunted Baby Dinosaurs: Avisaurus darwini and Magnusavis


Fossilized stomach contents provide insights into the diet of Early Jurassic pterosaurs


Paleontologists unearth 70-million-year-old ‘swamp dweller’ fossil in Colorado
ABC4 Utah (video)
1 min.


Brazilian Fossil Hints at Older Origin for All Dinosaurs


In Czech:

Even dinosaurs had cancer


Tyrannosaur "queen" MOR 555:


Westminster College (Fulton, Missouri) researchers piece together 66-million-year-old Triceratops fossils found in South Dakota


First-ever dinosaur fossil unearthed in Hong Kong: Report


Creating a home for the Chicago Archaeopteryx at the Field Museum


The fossil find that saved Dinosaur National Monument from oblivion


Paleontologists hope dinosaur exhibit at Sioux City Public Museum will inspire next generation (video)


Interactive exhibit at Florida Museum of Natural History shows how paleontologists study the past



Don Prothero videos

The Road to Bruins
12 min.

Uintatheres: Six Horns and Saber Teeth
9 min.


Scientists determine the timing and duration of a major hyperthermal event in the Early Jurassic

Oct 26, 2024, 7:12:47 PM10/26/24
to Dinosaur Mailing Group
This is a terrific article on the Chicago Archaeopteryx exhibit, complete with detailed pictures.   Clever solutions to the problems of displaying a tiny fossil in a big space but giving it the importance that it deserves.
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