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Paleopathology Material & Shock Tolerance in Dinosaurs

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Adrian Boeye

Jan 23, 2025, 7:20:46 PMJan 23
to Dinosaur Mailing Group
Hi all, I have a query relating to paleopathologies in dinosaurs. More specifically, I am quite interested in their handling of shock/tissue hypoperfusion. I've seen some evidence that both crocodilians and birds handle shock quite differently to mammals, specifically hypovolemic shock. The consensus I've gotten is that a lot of this comes down to differing respiratory systems, particularly in birds, and in crocodilians at least a lower metabolism. I find this particularly interesting since there are some pretty nasty injuries in the fossil record that indicate a similar ability to handle shock, but I may also be reading into it too far. I figure this is also not easy to discuss given the lack of living animals to document any of this, but I find it interesting none the less. If there is also some material on this I would be quite interested to see it.

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