Blue Button 2.0 API R4 data validation issues

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Vincent Van Dintel

Jan 13, 2022, 9:43:53 AM1/13/22
to Developer Group for CMS Blue Button API

My team has uncovered some additional FHIR R4 validation issues in the sandbox; I have not checked prod to see if they are present there as well.

We are using the HAPI-FHIR validator to ensure all R4 FHIR data we save confirms to the spec, and tested with the new BBUser30000+ users. Most of the issues are related to not having a full URL in the bundle. Below is a summary of the validation errors we uncovered (not necessary comprehensive):

"myLocationCol": 748,
"myLocationLine": 1,
"myLocationString": "Bundle.entry[0]",
"myMessage": "Except for transactions and batches, each entry in a Bundle must have a fullUrl which is the identity of the resource in the entry ",
"mySeverity": "ERROR"
"myLocationCol": 805,
"myLocationLine": 1,
"myLocationString": "Bundle.entry[0]",
"myMessage": "Bundle entry missing fullUrl",
"mySeverity": "ERROR"
"myLocationString": "Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(Coverage).beneficiary",
"myMessage": "Relative Reference appears inside Bundle whose entry is missing a fullUrl",
"mySeverity": "ERROR"
"myLocationCol": 2209,
"myLocationLine": 1,
"myLocationString": "Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(Coverage).contract[1]",
"myMessage": "The type 'Coverage' implied by the reference URL Coverage/part-a-contract1 is not a valid Target for this element (must be one of [Contract])",
"mySeverity": "ERROR"

"myLocationCol": 1012,
"myLocationLine": 1,
"myLocationString": "Bundle.entry[0]",
"myMessage": "Bundle entry missing fullUrl",
"mySeverity": "ERROR"
"myLocationString": "Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(ExplanationOfBenefit).patient",
"myMessage": "Relative Reference appears inside Bundle whose entry is missing a fullUrl",
"mySeverity": "ERROR"
"myLocationCol": 10660,
"myLocationLine": 1,
"myLocationString": "Bundle.entry[0].resource.ofType(ExplanationOfBenefit).insurance[0]",
"myMessage": " minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from",
"mySeverity": "ERROR"
"myLocationCol": 43186,
"myLocationLine": 1,
"myLocationString": "Bundle.entry[2].resource.ofType(ExplanationOfBenefit).item[0]",
"myMessage": "ExplanationOfBenefit.item.productOrService: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from",
"mySeverity": "ERROR"
"myLocationCol": 1012,
"myLocationLine": 1,
"myLocationString": "Bundle.entry[0]",
"myMessage": "Except for transactions and batches, each entry in a Bundle must have a fullUrl which is the identity of the resource in the entry ",
"mySeverity": "ERROR"

Jan 13, 2022, 10:07:22 AM1/13/22
to Developer Group for CMS Blue Button API


Great question! Thanks for looking into this and for reaching out. I’m sure you’ll get a more official response from the team in a bit here but I just wanted to chime in real quick in the meantime.

The team has been looking into validation issues like these for a bit now and we’re hoping to spend some time improving the situation. We’re hoping to share some details on our findings and plans here soon. (It’s worth noting that “soon” is a pretty relative thing around here, but this is definitely a priority for us at the moment.)

We’ll be sure to triage the errors you’ve reported below and get them on the list, as appropriate. 

Thanks muchly,
Karl, CMS

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Vincent Van Dintel

Jan 13, 2022, 2:16:17 PM1/13/22
to Developer Group for CMS Blue Button API
Thanks for the quick reply, Karl! Sounds good.

Ashish Narnoli

Mar 14, 2024, 11:22:47 AM3/14/24
to Developer Group for CMS Blue Button API
Hello Team,

I am facing similar validation issue as mentioned in this thread. I am using '' to pull Coverage and EOB Bundles from Sandbox for BB2.0.

While validating the response using, we have observed multiple validation errors and sharing few messages below. Am I missing something here?

Relative Reference appears inside Bundle whose entry is missing a fullUrl
The extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Bundle entry missing fullUrl
Except for transactions and batches, each entry in a Bundle must have a fullUrl which is the identity of the resource in the entry

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