Ask These Questions About Your Family Photos to Learn About Your Family Histor

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Marlon Christian

May 27, 2010, 12:34:22 PM5/27/10
to Descendants of Anthony LINDSAY of London to Maryland Colony
Ask Questions
The first step in any investigation is to ask questions; your research
will try to determine the answers. Do you have any relatives who might
be able to supply additional material or stories related to the photo?
Try to record their recollections in case you need to refer to them
again later, by transcribing their memories or by using a tape or
video recorder. Make sure you keep track of full contact information
for anyone you interview. You will want to show them the photograph
several times during the identification process in case some new
information jogs their memory.
Here are some sample questions you can ask:

What do you know about the image?
Who was its previous owner?
How did it come to be in your possession?
Is it part of a larger collection?
Are there any stories associated with it?
Do you know why it was taken?
Do you know when it was taken?
Do you know any of the people in the picture?
Did a family member supply the identification?

Keep Track of Your Research
In order to draw conclusions based on your inquiries, document your
research using a worksheet. This will also help you develop a research
plan. You'll want to include such basic information as:

Owner's name: Your name or the person who currently owns the image.
Address and telephone number: Any contact information that may prove
Condition: Is the photograph difficult to read because of mold damage
or fading?
Type of image: Make sure of the photographic process before you fill
in this information (see step 4).
Size: Measure in inches, height x width
Mounting: Is it on a backing such as thin cardboard?
Original: Is it an original, copy image or digitized?
Photographer's imprint: Does the name of the photographer appear
anywhere on the image, front or back? Do you know the name of the
photographer because family legend has it that your family always
frequented the same studio?
Props/background: What other elements are visible in the photograph?
Style of dress: Write a short description of the type of clothing
shown in the picture. Be sure to include hairstyle, jewelry and hats
-- it's often the accessories that add the final piece of

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