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【DCAA Seminar Series】3/3 Estate planning for the family 家庭遗产管理规划 @春晖中文学校, 周六下午2点

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Feb 24, 2018, 6:51:46 AM2/24/18
to DCAA E-News
How a family may plan for tomorrow through Wills, trusts, powers of attorney and guardianships? 家庭如何设立遗嘱,信托,授权书及监护权来安排将来? You are cordially DCAA Seminar about Estate planning for the family.

Time:       2:00PM, 3/3, Saturday
Location: Chunhui Chinese School, 1313 Little Baltimore Road, Hockessin, DE 19707
Speaker : Charles J. Durante

演讲人简介 / Speaker's Bio

Charles J. Durante,35年执业经验,Connolly Gallagher LLP律师所的资深合伙人。Charles专攻税法,信托和遗产管理。他为家庭,个人和企业的资产传递策略规划提供最专业的税务法律意见。

Chuck Durante brings 35 years of professional leadership to the planning of strategies for the inter-generational passage of personal and business property. He advises fiduciaries on the administration of trusts and estates, counsels foundations and other non-profit organizations, and advises clients in the related areas of Delaware statutory trusts, Delaware holding companies and Delaware limited liability companies.

Chuck advises many of Delaware’s leading trust institutions in matters of planning, administration and risk management. He is a fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, past chairman of the Estates and Trusts Section of the Delaware State Bar Association and past president of the Wilmington Tax Group. His work includes defense in a number of will contests and litigation of significant public impact.

Chuck serves in a leadership role for many charitable, educational and other civic organizations, as a director, officer and parliamentarian. He was the prime author of Delaware’s campaign finance law. He received the Alumni Award of Haverford College in 1998, and is chairman for Alumni Annual Giving at Tower Hill School.

He is chairman of the Board of Editors of Delaware Lawyer, a quarterly publication of the Delaware Bar Foundation, and serves on the Executive Committee of the Delaware State Bar Association.

Chuck was a sportswriter and columnist for The Philadelphia Inquirer from 1974 through 1980. He began his newspaper career with The Wilmington News-Journal and The Delaware State News, and continues to write on topics touching on the law of trusts and estates, American history, Delaware sports and public affairs. He is a member of the Delaware Track and Field Hall of Fame.



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P.O. Box 490, Hockessin, DE 19707
Delaware Chinese American Association


Mar 2, 2018, 3:51:03 PM3/2/18
to DCAA E-News
Just a reminder that we have a seminar tomorrow afternoon at 2:00pm at Chunhui Chinese School.

Hope you enjoy the Saturday afternoon with us.


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