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DCAA Announcement and 2017-18 Activities

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Oct 2, 2017, 11:04:40 PM10/2/17
to DCAA E-News
Dear All,

Hope you all have a great Summer break. DCAA is gearing up a full-year activities plan, along with Chunhui School 2017-18 semesters.

At the beginning, DCAA would like to announce the 2017-2020 term of the Chunhui Chinese School operations team: Carrie Fang, Liang Hong, Jenny Miller, and Jianping Fan.

Principal: Carrie Fang
Assistant Principal: Liang Hong
School Manager: Jenny Zhang
School Finance Manager: Jianping Fan

We would like to express our sincere appreciation for their extraordinary work and great efforts in previous terms. With a great pleasure, DCAA Board of Directors and Chunhui Chinese School Council has approved and authorized the School Management Team above in the new term (2017-2020) following the School Management and Operation Procedure. Please joining us in congratulating Carrie Fang, Liang Hong, Jenny Zhang, and Jianping Fan as they continue to support Chunhui Chinese School operations. 

Subsequently, the very joyful Mid-Autumn Festival Potluck Picnic and Chunhui School Sport Games is forthcoming. Please join us with your families and friends at the Paper Mill Park on this Sunday, 10/8. More details in the following up email.

On top it,
October - United Way Donation
10/21 - DCAA, CACC, DCAMA Health Care Event
12/30 - Holiday Party
  2/17 - Chinese New Year Celebration 
And, of course, Seminar Series

Please follow up our E-News communication and WeChat Official Account: DCAA19707 for events update.

Thank you for the solid support over the past many years. We look forward to servicing you for years to come.

DCAA Board of Directors

Follow up DCAA, please tap and hold the QR code below

United Way Donation: Agency Code: 9386
P.O. Box 490, Hockessin, DE 19707
Delaware Chinese American Association

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