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Chun Hui Chinese School 2018-2019 Registration starts now!

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Aug 25, 2018, 11:50:41 PM8/25/18
to DCAA E-News
Dear all DCAA members,

Hope you and your family have had a great summer!

This announcement is about our Chun Hui Chinese School.

Chun Hui Chinese School 2018-2019 Registration starts now!
春晖中文学校2018-2019 学年的注册已经开始了!

Please visit to register.
请大家登录学校网站 注册课程。

Below is the announcement letter from the School:

DCAA Board

Chun Hui School News and Announcement

    Registration for 2018-2019 School Year Starts on August 26, 2018


    你们好!转眼间新的学年就要开始了!本学年将于201898日星期六正式开学。本学年的注册将于本周日 826正式开放,届时请大家登录学校网站 注册课程。





    应广大学生和家长要求,今年我们将在秋季继续开设“演讲课” ,课程设置为10周,英文授课,欢迎9岁以上的学生选修。此外,2019年春季学期我们将开设“趣味STEM”课程,用实用有趣的方式解读数理化和IT课题,中英文授课,欢迎10岁以上学生选修,我们将陆续推出课程内容更新,注册将在今年12月初开放。






    春晖中文学校校长   方晨

    Dear Parents and Students,

    Welcome back to Chun Hui Chinese School! First day of class is on Saturday September 8, 2018. The registration will start on this this Sunday Aug 26, 2018. Please visit our school home page for registration detail:
    Returning students please watch for instructions sent from school account and follow the steps to reset your password.
    This year we will continue offering various Chinese language and culture classes from Pre-Kindergarten through 9th grade and AP Chinese class with multiple options from 1:00 to 6:00 on every Saturday afternoon. We welcome Mrs. Lihua Qiao to Chun Hui to teach the 8th Grade. Mrs. Qiao has thirty years of experience teaching middle to high school students. We will continue offering AMC and SAT Math classes to 5th Graders and above.

    This year textbook fees for all Chinese language classes will be waived, thanks to the funding support to “Overseas Chinese Language and Culture Education Model School” from the Chinese Embassy at Washington DC.  We will continue offering school Yearbooks to all registered students free of charge toward the end of the school year as well.
    Please be advised of the class time change for all performance classes. This year all dance classes and a new “Percussion Band” will require a pass of audition to enroll. All performance classes will also monitor student participation throughout the year to ensure quality of performances.
    Per requests from students and parents, we’ll continue offer a ten-week Public Speaking class in the Fall semester. The class will be taught in English and open to all students 9 years and older. In Spring 2019, an Experimental STEM class will be offered to all students 10 years and older to explore science and IT related subjects. The class will be taught in both Chinese and English. Please follow school updates. Registration will start in early December. 
    For parents, we’ll open a new “Yoga” class this year between 3-4pm.  Space are limited. Please register soon. Dough Figurine class for adults and the free English and Health classes for senior members of the community will continue open for enrollment too.
    Class Schedule can be found here:
    Other school events and activities will be announced through the school weekly newsletter and school website.
    We will work closely with teachers and parents to provide opportunities and guidance for high school students to engage in community services. You may register for volunteer and internship opportunities on this website:
    We believe a student at Chun Hui may look forward to many highly rewarding educational and personal experiences, and most importantly, to the development of positive association with Chinese language and culture through various activities. We appreciate your continuing support to Chun Hui. With a commitment to do our best and be our best for Chui Hui’s amazing students, we look forward to working with you in the coming year.
    Please send any questions or comments to We’ll see you on the first day of school!


    Carrie Fang
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