Time: 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. December 17th, Saturday
Location: CACC Auditorium, 1313 Little Baltimore Rd, Hockessin, DE 19707
Please each family bring one or two covered dishes to share. We will sell raffle tickets at the front door as well. Please feel free to support our community and events in your way.
- Potluck Dinner - Please bring ENOUGH FOOD for your entire family. DCAA will provide drinks, plates, and utensils.
- Award Ceremony - Community Service Awards to highlight and appreciate outstanding contributions by volunteers (The Award list will be sent out soon).
- Children Activities - Face painting, animal balloons, board games, paper crafts, etc., and prizes!!
- Talent Show
- Dancing and Karaoke - as time permits
DCAA Board of Directors
Delaware Chinese American Association 特拉华华美联谊会
P.O. Box 490, Hockessin, DE 19707
United Way of Delaware (Agency) Code: 9386
时间: 12月 17 日,星期六,下午 6:00 – 10:00
地点: CACC 暨春晖中文学校礼堂,1313 Little Baltimore Rd, Hockessin, DE 19707
服装: 节日服装。好衣服穿出来,好形象亮出来!
- Potluck 晚餐 – 够您自家的量。要是觉得您的菜会受欢迎,不妨多带些让大家都尝尝。DCAA将提供饮料,杯盘,餐具。
- 颁奖 – 为社区积极分子和义工颁发社区服务奖.(现任DCAA董事会成员和学校管理人员在服务期间不参加评选.)
- 儿童活动 – Face painting, animal balloons, board games, paper crafts, etc., and prizes!!
- 才艺表演
- 交谊舞和卡拉OK – 时间允许的话联欢会后进行