你们好!转眼间新的学年就要开始了!本学年将于2017年9月9日星期六正式开学。本学年的注册将于 本周五8月25日正式开放,届时请大家登录学校网站
www.chunhuischool.org 注册课程。
为提高学习中文的兴趣,学以致用,学校将继续在秋季学期举办年度“中文演讲比赛”,春季举办“中文识字比赛” ,欢迎同学们踊跃报名参加。其他学校活动信息和详情请参考本年度校历及平时学校通知。
chunhu...@gmail.com ,让我们在新的一年里,齐心协力,携手共进!
春晖中文学校校长 方晨
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome back to Chun Hui Chinese School! This year we will continue offering various Chinese language and culture classes from Pre-Kindergarten through 9th grade with multiple options from 1:00 to 6:00 on every Saturday afternoon, starting September 9, 2017.
The registration will be open for public on this Friday Aug 25, 2017. Please visit our school home page for registration detail:
This year we welcome Ms. Lei Jin, Dr. Jun Tian, Dr. Wendy Liu, Professor Jinjie Liu, local artist Ms. Yoyo Wu, and local dancer Miss Tiffany Zhan joining our teaching team. For the first time, a Chun Hui Youth Performing Arts Ensemble led by Ms. Catherine Jiang will also be organized to bring more practices and stage performance opportunities to our students. Please check the school website for details of their credentials and class information.
As a tradition, the Chinese Speech Contest and Chinese Characters Contest will continue to be organized in the fall and in the spring respectively to encourage demonstrations of our students’ skills in using their Chinese language. Other school events and activities will be announced through the school weekly newsletter and school website.
We will work closely with teachers and parents to provide opportunities and guidance for high school students to engage in community services. You may register for volunteer and internship opportunities on this website:
We believe a student at Chun Hui may look forward to many highly rewarding educational and personal experiences, and most importantly, to the development of positive association with Chinese language and culture through various activities. We appreciate your continuing support to Chun Hui. With a commitment to do our best and be our best for Chui Hui’s amazing students, we look forward to working with you in the coming year.
Please send any questions or comments to
chunhu...@gmail.com. We’ll see you on the first day of school!
Carrie Fang