Delaware Chinese American Association (DCAA) - Biennial Election for the 2021-2023 DCAA Board of Directors Ballot

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Jun 16, 2021, 11:17:21 PM6/16/21
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Delaware Chinese American Association (DCAA) - Biennial Election for the 2021-2023 DCAA Board of Directors Ballot
Dear members of DCAA, 亲爱的DCAA成员们,

Thank you for your continuous support to the Delaware Chinese American Association (DCAA) and our Chunhui Chinese School. DCAA was founded in 1996 to build our Chunhui Chinese School as a non-profit organization, and has been the governance body to run our Chunhui Chinese School since then.

In addition to the responsibility of the Chunhui Chinese School, DCAA Board Directors also lead the effort of community activities to promote the appreciation of Chinese culture and to promote mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese American community and the community at large.

Per DCAA bylaws, we need to elect new DCAA directors every other year, and each DCAA board director can serve up to two terms. Now it's that time. After working on soliciting candidates as fresh blood for DCAA board to better support the community, DCAA election committee has received the below nominees.

To make the voting process easier, you can vote via email or go to the link in the announcement. You can simply select the candidates below with 'X' mark in square brackets:

NOTE: We have total 11 candidates, please select up to 11 of them. The candidates are in alphabetical order.

Information about you
¨ Your name: ____Karen Yang___
¨ Contact info (phone, email) _215-317-9048, karen...@yahoo.com__

Instructions for voting
¨ Please place a check mark (√) in front of the 11 candidates whom you would like to elect to the 2021-2023 DCAA Board among 11 candidates. Thank you very much. (最多选十一位)

¨ You may also vote by
• selecting the candidates and send the complete vote by replying to this email
• sending as an attached file back to

Please remember to cast your vote by June 22, 2021 Thank You. 请于六月二十二日之前投票。谢谢。

    Wang, Siqun (王思群)

    Wang, Siqun (王思群) is currently a technical manager at DowDuPont’s Corteva Agriscience. Since 1999 Siqun has worked in several businesses including Central Research and Development, Nutrition and Health, Qualicon and Pioneer. He also worked in Agilent Technologies from 2002 - 2004. Siqun is always willing to serve our community and has been actively served our community in many different aspects. He believes that everyone should participate in building a vibrant community. He has been on the DCAA Board for six terms since 2004. He also served as the Chair of Chunhui Chinese School Council in the past. He would be honored to serve again if elected. He is current board director and Interim President in DCAA.

    Xie,Fei (谢非)

    Fei Xie is the Chaplin Tyler Professor of Finance at the University of Delaware and a Research Associate at the European Corporate Governance Institute. My research interests are in empirical corporate finance with focuses on corporate governance and mergers and acquisitions. I have accumulated a variety of teaching experiences, including teaching financial management, financial institutions, and corporate governance courses to undergraduate, MBA, and Executive MBA students. When I am not doing research or teaching, I usually go out for a run (sometimes with my kids), watch a good movie or my favorite TV shows, or listen to some music. Whenever I can, I take my family to travel the world and experience new things. In the past several years, I have volunteered for various activities of the Chunhui Chinese School and the Chinese New Year Celebration. I look forward to contributing more to the local Chinese community. He is the new candidate for this election.

    Zhao, Qian (赵千)

    我叫赵千,本科毕业于吉林大学法学院,2010 年在 Emory University 获得法学硕士学位,现于 XieLaw Offices, LLC 担任移民律师。我 2009 年第一次踏入美国,在佐治亚州完成了学业、积累了初步工作经验并找到了人生伴侣。后来我随先生搬往密歇根州,考取了律师资格并迎来了新的家庭成员。随着我先生工作的变动,我又回到了佐治亚州,加入了现在所供职的律所。2018 年,我们全家迁居特拉华州,决意定居在这里。在美国的 12 年来,我在学习、工作、生活中都得到了中国同窗、学长学姐、前辈和朋友各种各样的帮助和鼓励。本着传递善意、感恩回报的目的,我也一直在利用自己的专业能力和生活经验等等设法帮助同胞。在这里我结识了许多朋友,感受到了社区的热情,与大家共同度过了一段特别的时期,也萌生了更进一步服务社区的想法。在疫情期间我捐献了款项和物资给中美的医疗人员,志愿参加了 DCAA 的物资捐赠活动。在挽救Linden Hill 中文项目的过程中,我虽然不是该校的家长,但分别以个人名义和律所的名义向学区和学校表达了对项目的支持并提出了对项目外籍教师提供减免费用的移民法律服务的承诺。在物资捐献过程中我结识了 State Troop 6 Captain 并一直保持联系,希望加入 DCAA 后能增进华人社区与他们的交流与互动,为中国社区增添安全感。我也期待疫情进一步缓解后为 UD 的同学们免费普及移民法律知识。如有机会,我还希望能促进华人社区和其他亚裔社区的联动。希望能有这个机会为大家服务。赵千是本届新候选人。
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