2018 Delaware Chinese New Year Celebration Gala will be on Saturday, February 17th (2/17/2018), 1:30 pm at Dickinson High School Auditorium (1801 Milltown Rd, Wilmington, DE 19808). (Exhibits start at 1:30pm and musical performance starts at 2:00pm.)
This year, we will have high-quality cultural performances for the Celebration with a wide variety, including a spectacular opening show, Chinese vocal and performing arts, Chinese music instrument assemble, fashion show, Magic show, etc. In addition, we will also have:
- Raffle Drawing at the beginning of the 2nd half after the Intermission, with prizes total worth of over $1,000! Raffle tickets can be purchased at the door.
- Right after the closing show, there will be Fortune Red Envelopes given to all children under 18.
- Chinese-style snack food and water at the event concession stand.
- Informational exhibition (including eye-opening Chinese artifact exhibit)
(Exhibits start at 1:30pm and musical performance starts at 2:00pm.)
Please invite your friends and families to come and join us for a fun and festive afternoon at the Dickinson High School Auditorium on Saturday 2/17 to celebrate the Year of the Dog!
We wish you a Happy Chinese New Year. And look forward to seeing you at this celebration tomorrow.
DCAA Board of Directors
2018春节即将到来。在此我们诚挚地邀请您及家人和朋友来参加我们于2月17日星期六下午一点半在Dickinson High School Auditorium举行的特拉华春节联欢会。地址:1801 Milltown Rd, Wilmington, DE 19808. (展览1:30开始;表演2:00开始)
- 精选的高质量节目, 包括舞蹈、器乐合奏、歌曲、武术、京剧、时装表演,魔术等等不一而足。
- 总价值近一千圆的抽奖。抽奖活动在下半场开始时进行。您可以在通过捐款获取,或在门口购买抽奖券。
- 演出结束以后,所有18岁以下的少年儿童都可以领取一个幸运红包。
- 您还可以品尝到多种中式小吃食品。
- 并参观展览, 包括特邀中国古董展览