Sephardic Heritage Update 1122

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David Shasha

Sep 24, 2023, 12:27:53 AM9/24/23



            As Jews enter the most sacred time on our calendar, it is incumbent upon all of us to search our souls and make a reckoning with the perilous situation that we continue to find ourselves in.  Over the course of the past few weeks, I have re-posted my High Holiday essays, which provide a wider context in which to understand my daily attacks on the evils in the Jewish community, which have coalesced around the fierce support for Donald Trump and the New Fascism, which can be easily perceived when attending our Synagogues as they swell with holiday-goers.


It is all about ignorance and malevolence.


Each day I make mention of the dangers of The Tikvah Fund as Sephardim do battle with the ubiquitous White Jewish Supremacy. 


Here are two recent examples that show how Sephardim have given into the New Fascism, and its attendant TrumpNazi Anti-Semitism, in order to move up the institutional Jewish ladder and secure their livelihoods:


Both examples show the power of The Tikvah Fund, as Sephardim relinquish their cultural and intellectual-religious heritage, allowing Ashkenazi racists to control our communities. 


Indeed, as I have written, Sephardim have no control over their own institutions:


And this has led not only to a cultural collapse, but a moral collapse.


The future does indeed look bleak, as rectitude has vanished from the Jewish community, and Sephardim have followed in this malignant path against Torah values.


            As part of that lack of rectitude and its White Supremacy mien, we begin this week’s newsletter with a very important article from The Journal of Higher Education on the dangerous movement of Christopher Rufo and his contribution to the New Fascism.  RUFO has become the point person for suppression of diversity and multicultural and the Open Society. 


And he has found important allies in The Tikvah Fund orbit, such as Bari Weiss, as the two share the anti-WOKE agenda:


RUFO has succeeded in DEATH SENTENCE Florida:


As he has succeeded with Affirmative Action in the Trumpscum SCOTUS:


Which has been promoted by the Tikvah Fund Jews:


It is something that has now migrated to the American military:


Len Gutkin’s excellent article analyzes and dismantles the RUFO threat to our Open Society and acts as a corrective against the New Fascism.


            Which leads us to Neo-Con Bari Weiss ally David French, another Right Wing ideologue who has been hired by The New York Times.  Sadly, even with Weiss moving on, her malign influence remains at the newspaper.


Here is some of his excellent Right Wing CV:


In these two articles, French gives with one hand and takes away with the other. 


The first article rightly defends the Trump Indictments, while the second is more typical of the Right Wing Tikvah Fund support for Trump’s policies by seriously defending the Trumpscum SCOTUS.  Indeed, French presents the confused state of the Right Wing these days, as Trump challenges their own innate Religious Fascist tendencies.


            An important part of the White Christian Nationalism is The Witherspoon Institute.  Bradford Littlejohn’s paean to America naturally ignores our racist history, which was recently seen in Montgomery, Alabama:

Here is what this Catholic Fascism looks like, led by an article from Bari Weiss’ “Free” Press, which follows the Witherspoon article below:

And we are also dealing with the “Slavery was Good” canard, led by DEATH SENTENCE and RUFO and their client the New Jews for Jesus CEO:


White Christian Nationalism has become the new template for the Republican Party, with all its attendant Anti-Semitism and racism.


            In addition to Bari Weiss, our very own Rebbitzin Bengelsdorf, we have Tikvah Fund Trumpscum Jew Liel Leibovitz, who has apparently gone from eating cheeseburgers to become the most devout Jew in the world today, dictating to other Jews how they must think and act. 


Maybe he should visit Tikvah Tablet favorite Shelsky’s, home of the “Pork Roll, Egg, and Cheese”:


We have just learned that he has taken his massive Jewish textual expertise, acquired over many long years of devoted study, to tell us that the Talmud is a “Self-Help” book!  It is classic Tikvah Fund ignorance.


            Tikvah Tablet magazine is also a prime source of Jewish Fascism, and here we get Leonard Leo acolyte Eugene Kontorovich defending the “legality” of the Israeli Settlements.


It is where the Neo-Con Jews are, as we continue to see from Trumpscum Jew Dershowitz and his attack on Free Speech and Peaceful Protest by other Jews:


As KING BIBI continues to shred what little is left of Zionism, The Tikvah Fund Federalist Society Intersectionality is there to support Jewish antinomianism.


            The flip side of that Tikvah antinomianism coin is a happy face view of Israel from Ze’ev Maghen who sees the current situation, not as a danger from Jewish Fascism and Settler Eschatology, but as a Judaism of “Yes.”


Whatever the hell that means.


The two Tikvah Fund articles provide a fulsome picture of the delusions that now consume the Jewish Neo-Cons.


            Which leads us to the many complications of the late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and his move from a more progressive view of Judaism, right back to the Neo-Con detritus.


The former position on Jewish Humanism can be found in my EDAH Journal article:

I produced a special newsletter that outlined the problem of Rabbi Sacks’ betrayal of that Jewish Humanism:


Which was embraced by our dear friend Dr. Mijal Bitton, who has fully integrated into the larger White Jewish Supremacy and its antagonism to the Sephardic heritage:


We just saw how that worked in a new video promoted by JIMENA which shows that problem clearly:

The Lehrhaus article reminded me that my vain attempts over the past two years to institute a Rabbi Jose Faur Memorial Lecture Series can be attributed to the Tikvah Fund Jews like Dr. Bitton and Avi Garson, as arguably the most important contemporary Sephardic intellectual has been made persona non grata in the Brooklyn Syrian Jewish community, as he has been cancelled in the Jewish world at large:


The Bitton family stay on the winning side, rather than work for the lost cause that is Sephardic Jewish Humanism.


Sadly, the Sacks legacy is not Jewish Humanism, but the Neo-Con version that has sought to erase the Sephardic heritage and cultural pluralism which can be found in the Washington Heights echo-chamber.


            New York Jewish Week editor Andrew Silow-Carroll is a great example of that White Jewish Supremacy:


He reviews a new book on Sephardic Jewish life by someone called Elizabeth Graver:


Mr. Silow-Carroll gives us another prime example of how White Jewish Supremacy functions: the Sephardic family saga is understood in terms of Ashkenazi books, thus contextualizing a unique history in terms of Eurocentrism.  It is the dominant modality of the current Jewish media, as it removes Sephardim from the Adult Jewish Table.


            Which leads quite smoothly into a New York Jewish Week article on the New York “Rave” scene that is rooted in the Klezmer White Jewish Supremacy.  It is a worthy complement to Silow-Carroll’s articles on Ashkenazi culture as the Jewish default.


            An excellent counterattack on the pervasive Right Wing Trumpist racism that controls the American Right, is the 1960s TV show Star Trek, arguably the greatest TV show of all time.  Indeed, over the past few years I have taken inspiration from shows like Star Trek, Kojak, and Perry Mason which provide much-needed rectitude and cultural openness in the face of the current hate and intolerance. 


At the very height of the Vietnam War in November 1968, as the presidential election was taking place, the show broadcast one of the most vigorous Anti-War please since Stannley Kubrick’s “Paths of Glory,” the seminal episode “Day of the Dove”:


A Counterpunch article examines another classic Star Trek episode “Balance of Terror,” giving us a heady dose of anti-RUFO, anti-DEATH SENTENCE, anti-Bengelsdorf Humanism in the grand tradition of the groundbreaking show.


Where we once had Star Trek, today we have the Poptrash Idiocracy led by 1%-er elites like Taylor Swift.


We close with a depressing Corporatist article from the Corporatist New York Times Arts section by Ben Sisario that heaps praise on the Tween idol and her deeply White TMZ musical movement.  It is another troubling sign of how our culture has changed, how Reaganite values have supplanted the sensitivity and intelligence of the great artists of the 1960s and 1970s promoting the diversity of our culture.  The Corporate values are rooted in White Supremacy racism, as the TMZ world sets racism as its primary value.



David Shasha



Chris Rufo Can’t Decide Between Propaganda and History

By: Len Gutkin


The Trial America Needs

By: David French


Conservative, Not MAGA: I Don’t See a ‘Rogue’ Supreme Court

By: David French


If You Like America, Thank Christianity

By: Bradford Littlejohn


Canceled Priests, Catholic, Pope Francis, Latin Mass

By: Suzy Weiss


Were the Rabbis the First Great Self-Help Writers?

By: Liel Leibovitz


Israeli Settlements Are Not Illegal

By: Eugene Kontorovich


A Solution to Israel’s Woes? A Judaism of Yes

By: Ze’ev Maghen


Reading Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

By: Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Sinensky


A Novel of Sephardic Life Revives the Jewish Family Saga

By: Andrew Silow-Carroll


Crop Toops, Kippahs, and Klezmer: A ‘Jewish Rave’ Scene Takes Hold in NYC

By: Lisa Keys


Kirk and Spock’s Response to Racism in Star Trek’s “Balance of Terror”

By: Roger Thompson


How Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour Conquered the World

By: Ben Sisario


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