What Should You Do If You Think You Have Poor Circulation? If you are exhibiting many of the signs of poor circulation, you will want to know what to do next. Firstly, if you are concerned about your symptoms or they are causing you great pain and discomfort, it is extremely important that you book an appointment to see your doctor. Poor circulation can itself be a symptom of other conditions such as diabetes, peripheral artery disease, heart disease, obesity or blood clots, so you should get yourself checked out if you're concerned. However, there are a number of lifestyle changes that can help you combat poor circulation if you are suffering from it, or stop it from developing before you experience any major symptoms. Here are some of the most recommended: 1. Keep Yourself Moving It's the nature of the world we live in today that many of us spend a huge amount of time inactive and seated. But your circulatory system requires movement to function properly, and regular daily exercise (even just a short 30 minute walk every day) is the best way to keep your blood pumping quickly and ward off symptoms. 2. Don't Overdo Stimulants Stimulants, coffee, energy drinks and diet pills, have an effect on your blood. If you take too much, too often, it can lead to poor circulation and bigger issues down the line. Coffee and tea have some health benefits and you don't need to cut them down altogether, but try to reduce to 2-3 cups a day. Avoid other stimulants altogether. 3. Relax and Unwind Stress is not good for your heart, and can have a bigger impact upon your blood circulation than you might think. Take some time out to relax in a warm bath, run through some yoga exercises, meditate, or sit in a scented room lit by candles and read. Whatever relaxation tip works best for you is fit for purpose! 4. Apply Rosemary Oil Tense cramped muscles can compromise blood flow and lead to problems associated with poor circulation. If you find yourself cramping up around the neck, shoulders, or legs, ask someone to massage rosemary essential oil mixed with olive oil into the problem area. Use 20-30 drops of rosemary oil for every 2oz of olive oil. Lavender essential oil can help too. 5. Combine Hot and Cold Showers When you shower, try applying hot then cold water on to areas affected by poor circulation. The hot water causes blood to rush immediately to the problem region, while the cold water encourages it to speed to your organs. You may find it bracing, but it helps keep your circulatory system moving and your skin oxygenated. 6. Add Nuts and Seeds to Your Diet Several different nuts and seeds contain goodness that can reduce inflammation and oxidative cell damage within your vessels and arteries, keeping your blood circulating freely. Walnuts and almonds are the two of the best nuts to use, and have plenty of other uses too. A whole host of seeds can also benefit your circulation, including flaxseed, chia, pumpkin and pine. Sprinkle them on your salad or sandwich, or add to them to other dishes. 7. Pick the Perfect Posture Bad spinal alignment is a recipe for poor circulation, but many of us have poor posture. Try to train your body so that it naturally holds good posture by engaging in good practices. 8. Create the Perfect Salad Veggies are fantastic for your heart and circulatory function, and if you use the right combination in your salad, they can help boost your defences against poor circulation. Try to keep things varied. Mix dark leafy greens such as kale or spinach with bell peppers, celery/cucumber, onions and olives. Get your crunch from the already discussed nuts and seeds rather than croutons. Finally, garnish with parsley, one of the best herbs for healthy circulation. 9. Root Out the Problem Garlic, onion and ginger are all root vegetables that should form a part of everyone's diet. They have so many benefits, including the stimulation of the circulatory system. All three are excellent anti-inflammatories and can help you in so many ways! 10. Switch to Green Tea Green tea is wonderfully healthy, and provides many of the benefits of stimulants without the associated problems. It will provide you with plenty of energy and goodness, without any adverse effects on your blood circulation. Or more specifically, check out your shoes. It might sound unly, but a good pair of shoes can really reduce the impact walking has on your body. If yours are too tight or the wrong shape, it could be time to change them for the good of your circulation. Many spices can help improve circulation, but cayenne pepper is considered to be one of the best. It also boosts metabolism and clears your sinuses, so you have plenty of reasons to add some heat to your favorite dish!