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Some Quick Guidance Points for Daily Life

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Junaid Tahir

Apr 27, 2024, 4:21:13 AM4/27/24

Don't insult the alligator until you've crossed the river.

Don't throw away the old bucket until you know whether the new one holds water.
Dress the monkey in silk and it is still a monkey.
He who has done evil, expects evil.
He who knows nothing, doubts nothing.
If you want to gather a lot of knowledge, act as if you are ignorant.
It's not enough to know how to ride - you must also know how to fall.
It's not shameful not to know, but it's shameful not to ask.
Keep quiet and people will think you a philosopher.
Lower your voice, strengthen your argument.
Never strike your wife, even with a flower.
Only when you have eaten a lemon do you appreciate what sugar is.
Success and rest don't sleep together.
The cobra will bite you whether you call it cobra or Sir. Cobra.
The more you ask how much longer it will take, the longer the journey will seem.
What you see in yourself is what you see in the world.
When you go to a donkey's house, don't talk about ears.
You are as many people as the number of languages you know.
Don't approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side.
A fool is like the big drum that beats fast but does not realize its hollowness.
A rumor goes in one ear and out many mouths.
Beware of a man that does not talk and a dog that does not bark.
Better to ask twice than to lose your way once.

Junaid Tahir  
Blogger, Editor, Designer
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