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Zoom In and Zoom out

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Junaid Tahir

May 18, 2024, 3:40:41 PM5/18/24

In photography, using the 'zoom in' feature helps us focus closely on a specific object, excluding everything else from the frame. Conversely, 'zoom out' broadens our view, capturing a wider area and more elements. Interestingly, we often apply similar techniques mentally when forming perceptions about people and situations. Let's explore how this approach influences our judgments and interactions.

Consider a scenario where you have consistently supported a friend through difficult times. However, during one particular crisis, you fail to meet their expectations, leading them to label you as irresponsible or disloyal. At that moment, your friend has 'zoomed in' too much on a single failing, overlooking your history of support. Ideally, they should 'zoom out' to appreciate the full spectrum of your relationship and the numerous times you've been there for them. This tunnel vision can lead to unfair judgments and strained relationships.

Similarly, take the case of ABC-Tires. A friend criticizes the company as substandard after experiencing a tire burst within three months of purchase. This immediate negative judgment ignores the broader context—thousands of tires are sold by the company with satisfactory performance. Factors like driving conditions or external damage (nails, sharp objects, etc.) are overlooked. This is another instance of 'zooming in' too narrowly, leading to a skewed perception of the company's overall reliability.

In professional settings, the 'Zoom In and Zoom Out' technique is equally valuable:

  1. Zoom In: Use this approach to draw attention to overlooked details of a larger project. For example, if a project appears over-budget, highlighting specific expenditures can clarify the necessity of each cost.

  2. Zoom Out: This is crucial for helping field staff grasp the project's overarching goals. Understanding the bigger picture enhances their decision-making and broadens their perspective, fostering better performance and engagement.

Overall, whether dealing with personal judgments or professional assessments, the 'Zoom In and Zoom Out' technique is indispensable. It encourages us to consider both detailed and comprehensive perspectives before drawing conclusions. Remember, small oversights can lead to significant consequences, so it's crucial to maintain a balanced viewpoint. Occasionally, the best position is neither zoomed-in nor zoomed-out, but a neutral, objective stance that allows for fair and reasoned judgments.

Junaid Tahir  
Blogger, Editor, Designer
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