Premiere 2022 Rant re title tool

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Jim Fink

Feb 25, 2022, 2:50:01 PM2/25/22
Dang me if Adobe just goes and f's with their system again...

The now legacy title tool, is crashing exports, and destabilizing the platform. Copying text from PR to AE to run a credit roll doesn't work, so I have to copy and paste via Word to get text for a credit roll to AE. And getting used to re-doing or updating credits in AE.

No idea yet how to build a new credit roll in whatever their new "updated" title tool is supposed to be, as I did not have time to research that new title tool.

Tried Adobe's automatic re-right the text items, and it fubars the formatting, etc big time.

dang this F'n company for cutting off old parts of their system for the ease of lazy coders and causing a big waste of our time dealing with a legacy project that has been ongoing for ten years. First it was the non support and loss of AVI files, now this and other crap in recent releases. F Me...!~!


Jim Fink

New Century Digital Media
(919) 423-4363

Jason Russell

Feb 25, 2022, 2:58:45 PM2/25/22
to DS group
How about this one we ran into today?

This is a summary on an Adobe group that describes someone else having the same issue we ran into today. 

"Longtime After Effects user (20+ yrs), never encounter this issue where it will not save a project. Threw me a major curveball end of the day yesterday because I didn't even realize it wasn't saving either my manual saves (I'm pretty consistent about manually saving every 15-20 minutes) or autosaves... even though the usual prompt window was appearing and telling me it was saving. Did my usual Command-S and Command-Q end of the day and was confused why AE was still open this morning. Shrugged it off, did a bunch of work then realized after a 'Save', then noticed the block in upper left red close button indicating the file was unsaved. Ended up Force Quitting and lost about a combined 3 hrs of work." 

This is an identical description of my Senior editor/animator's experience today. He lost 2-3 hours of work. Thanks for taking us backward Adobe. 

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Jim Fink

Feb 25, 2022, 4:56:47 PM2/25/22
Yes the list goes on. our AE stopped launching and after an hour+ on the support line, De-INstalling and then re-installing adobe products, updating the Mac OS.. and now at least it launches, but it goes on and on.. Adobe seems to be falling apart in Mac OS 12.2.1 Monterey.

Adobe always hates and blames the plug-ins, but dang if I can't run these app's without plugs...


Declan MacErlane

Feb 26, 2022, 2:39:27 AM2/26/22
Sounds like a challenger to Avid’s title tool...

Mark Hollis

Feb 26, 2022, 10:39:36 AM2/26/22
to Roy Janke
Some time ago, I got shouted down in a MacPro forum for saying this:

Adobe does not make software for professionals.

Here are my reasons:

  • Their code is not stable. everyone, and I mean everyone is a continual beta-tester as they do not do point releases to fix stuff and they do not do new versions with real, quantitive changes that make things easier.
  • In order to run their software, you must be on a system with Internet access, which means you have a production system exposed to malware. Every facility I have ever worked in creates an intranet for their production system that is NOT on the Internet and material that “comes from the wild” must be passed through a server that will check everything for malware. Additionally, virus scanning applications running on production gear can mess up the software and the thing you are working on.
  • Adobe hates Macintosh. For a company serving a large user base on a particular product, they cannot afford to dislike users who choose that product. Either stop releasing software for it or stop the hate.

I still do not think that Adobe makes software for professionals. That includes InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere and AfterEffects. the last version they made for pros was CS6.

Jim Fink

Feb 27, 2022, 10:03:56 PM2/27/22
Indeed, I mention that a lot, my caveat however, is not for Long Form Professionals.

Short stuff, as in spots are fine IMHO.. but the longer the format, the more stupid shit i have dealt with. Plug ins giving one frame partial white flashes that were not there before the encoded output, Disabled tracks becoming enabled, other odd stuff that would end up on a master file if not 100% super QC'd outside of the app.

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